616: Dimes as a Sign from Heaven (21 of 30)

The other day I saw a dime on the floor. It reminded me of back in the day when I believed money, specifically dimes, were a sign from heaven... someone on the other side was looking out for me. This was "confirmed" in various psychic readings I had.

The next day, I saw another random dime on the floor and I had a little laugh to myself. Because the same, subtle thought emerged of, "is this a sign?" "is someone looking out for me?" "is there Money in my future?" lol

I do not actively participate in such thinking anymore because, well, what's the point? From my perspective, there are more important things for everyone, alive or dead, to be doing rather than making sure a little ol' dime is in my reality as a sign of something good to come.

It's wishful thinking and keeps us locked in beliefs that have no real value to our lives or this world. One could argue it's harmless, but one could also argue it's harmful because in the belief what is being implied?

Let's see with self-forgiveness...

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define a random dime in my reality, on the floor or on the ground, as a sign from heaven that someone is looking out for me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate a random dime in my reality with a positive energy experience - wherein I think and believe someone who has passed away is walking around my reality and placing that dime there for me to see... to indirectly tell me they are watching out for me and are 'attempting' to support me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe those on the other side have nothing better to do than to provide a dime for me in my reality so I have a momentary feeling of acceptance and love... instead of considering and asking the question... why are they not doing it for those that actually need the support, like those that are homeless, and going without food, and are being neglected, ignored, abused, and used?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question a system of beliefs that suggest someone who has died is walking around leaving dimes around for people to have a moment of happiness in feeling special and secure within a thought that someone that is dead is looking out for them instead of asking, "why aren't the living looking out for the living?"

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to need someone who's passed on to be looking out for me and supporting me instead of asking why aren't humans on earth looking out for each other on earth?

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to question the nature of our beliefs when they suggest us to be blind to the reality of this world where we allow people to live without food, water, shelter, love, attention, and care yet to accept the idea that someone who is dead is leaving us dimes to make us feel better

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to do everything in my power to create a world where the living are taking care of the living and we no longer NEED the belief that dimes in our reality are a sign from heaven that we are being cared for

I forgive myself that I have not yet accepted and allowed myself to create heaven on earth and instead accept the existence of heaven being separate from this reality - where I accept the reality that it's in a separate reality and one we cannot access and only those that are dead can exist there and simply accept this world as the hell it is instead of grounding heaven into its rightful place for the LIVING

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give attention to the dead instead of focusing on the LIVING

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not care and look out for myself and so look for someone who is dead to leave me dimes as a sign they are looking out for me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself so much from the reality of what it means to LIVE self-care, and self-love, and taking care of myself as what is best for myself that I've created an alternate reality where those that have died leave me a dime and that implies I'm being cared for

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become the walking dead where I exist within beliefs about an afterlife and completely ignore the LIVING reality that is here... that is physical and that is clearly calling for our attention

When and as I see myself associating and defining dimes in my reality as signs from the afterlife that I am being cared for and guided and supported, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand the illusion I've created myself to exist within in the belief that the dead have an actual effect on the living instead of realizing what is here is what is here and it's time to WAKE UP and realize the LIVING reality is what MATTERS as physical matter and that the attention we give to the other side and those that are dead as what they are busy with on the other side takes away from the task at hand of creating heaven on earth where we no longer accept a separate reality of heaven and earth and instead ground heaven into, onto, and as earth

I commit myself to create heavnn on earth

I commit myself to stop belief systems that create separation and give more attention to the dead than the living

I commit myself to stop belief systems that perpetuate an ignorance as giving value to the dead more than the living

I commit myself to stop belief systems that suggest those that are passed have nothing better to do than to leave us dimes to show us they care

I commit myself to stop belief systems that suggest the dead affect the living

I commit myself to participate in the LIVING reality as this PHYSICAL earth

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