Day 7 -The Gift of the Relfection
What I have always in a sense known within myself - but can only now see it oh so clear - is that all thoughts - all feelings - all emotions within ourselves as our Minds as the experience we accept of ourselves to be Real - are always in All Ways about ourselves. This has always been knowledge within myself that I could understand - yet since walking the Desteni I Process - and more specifically now walking the Agreement Course - I can see to what extent we have projected ourselves/separated ourselves from ourselves in always making everything about another person. "It's THEIR fault... THEY do this... THEY do that... THEY are the reason I am experiencing this - because of THEM and what THEY do..." And what I can see within this - is the Gift. The Gift of giving back to ourselves that which we have given away - ourselves. Through abdicating such responsibility of ourselves to another - through blaming or making our focus point about 'them' and that 'they&