Day 7 -The Gift of the Relfection

What I have always in a sense known within myself - but can only now see it oh so clear - is that all thoughts - all feelings - all emotions within ourselves as our Minds as the experience we accept of ourselves to be Real - are always in All Ways about ourselves.

This has always been knowledge within myself that I could understand - yet since walking the Desteni I Process - and more specifically now walking the Agreement Course - I can see to what extent we have projected ourselves/separated ourselves from ourselves in always making everything about another person. "It's THEIR fault... THEY do this... THEY do that... THEY are the reason I am experiencing this - because of THEM and what THEY do..."

And what I can see within this - is the Gift. The Gift of giving back to ourselves that which we have given away - ourselves. Through abdicating such responsibility of ourselves to another - through blaming or making our focus point about 'them' and that 'they' do - seeing what we like or dislike in 'them' - if only we can see that that is Actually us - it is ourselves that we are seeing and so this is why it is a gift. Because all parts are here right in front of our faces. Lol - I remember a video of either Anu or Enki - where they speak so sly like about how such fools we as humans are - because Reality - the Reality of ourselves - is right in front of our faces. Lol - at the time, I didn't 'get it' - yet now I see.

So the gift is within being Self Honesty - and taking all points projected outwards and separate from ourselves - and realize it's a mirror. All these points we accept in judgments or opinions of perspectives of another - are US. How fucking cool to accept this within responsibility because then we are being shown in every moment WHO WE ARE - and thus are able then to distinguish what we are accepting and allowing and whether it is Best for All or not.

Obviously - we have a tendency to not reflect back to ourselves what we are placing onto another - yet if only we can get this one simple point - what a change within Humanity and our relationships would have (lol Maite - definitely see now what you were saying)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself into a million different pieces through placing 'who I am' outwards and separate from me here wherein I place my responsibility of who I actually am - onto another - through judgments and opinions and perspectives of who 'they' are

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from myself here as every moment of breath - through constantly and continuously thinking about 'them' and 'they' and how 'they are' and how 'they act' - instead of seeing the gift in each moment of what I am actually showing myself - My own self definitions and acceptances and allowances of Who I am

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept and allow myself in a such a way that I end up attempting to hide what I have created as myself through saying 'its them' - its who 'they' are - instead of seeing... It is ME - always in all ways - me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to attempt to hide my accepted nature through projecting myself onto others wherein I judge and define or accept and 'like' through seeing only others - instead of realizing again - it is in all ways ME

I forgive myself that i havent yet allowed myself to see/realize/understand that all thought/emotions/feelings I have to/towards someone or something separate form me here - is actually me and thus use this realization as a gift to give to myself those points that i have given away to others

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from myself through projecting myself and who I am and what I accept and allow as my nature to/towards others out there and separate from me here

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear taking responsibility for who I am and how I reveal to myself who I am through thoughts/feelings/emotions that I project to/towards others in my world and my reality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that it is easier to blame others for who they are instead of taking responsibility for who I am

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within self judgment through not accepting myself to see all parts of myself revealed to me through how I see others

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist separate from me here through existing in the mind as thoughts/feelings/emotions wherein I look at others and 'who they are' and what they represent to me and blame them or like them for what I see within them - instead of realizing those things and people in my world are a gift for me to see - to see me for real as who I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist in/as ignorance through not realizing all people within my world and my reality are in fact me - showing me to me through the nature of my thoughts about them - whether they are points I like or dislike - it is always about me and thus I allow myself to See ME in all - as Equal and One

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from others as me through defining them as 'who they are' based on how I perceive them through my mind - instead of realizing I am only seeing through my Mind's 'I' - which is revealing to me in fact who I am - and how I have accepted myself to be who I am

I commit myself to see the gift that I give to myself in every moment through seeing others as me - and seeing my thoughts/feelings/emotions to/towards others as ME - thus allowing myself to see myself in every moment - taking it always back to myself as I now realize all participation in the Mind about 'others' are in fact me

I commit myself to walk the realization that all thoughts/feelings/emotions within my mind about others - projected separate form me here - are always me and thus I commit myself to always bring it back to myself and stop blame and hate and judgments and attraction - as it's always me - me showing to me who I am - and thus I commit myself to see for real me

I commit myself to stop blame/judgments/opinions/likes/attractions within the mind as projections of thoughts/feelings/emotions separate from me here - I take it back to myself - I commit myself to seeing this and living this as I have now allowed myself to realize this

When and as I see myself projecting myself separate from myself here through participating in thoughts about others - I STOP and I breathe and bring myself back within awareness of 'who I am' and what I am allowing - thus I allow myself to take responsibility for myself as what 'others' are showing me - the parts of myself that I have separated myself from - thus I stop separating myself from myself and give back to myself in every moment the ability and power to see me and thus change

When and as I see myself abdicating my self responsibility through participating in thoughts 'about them - why 'they' are - what 'they' do' - I stop and I breathe - bringing myself back to myself through reflecting this participation back to myself wherein I am then gifted with the reflection like a mirror to see who I am and what I am accepting and allowing and thus then in a position to become directive within myself to accept and allow only that which is best for all

When and as I see myself accepting myself to exist in projection of self onto others - I stop and I breathe - and I bring myself back to myself within the awareness that this is not who I really am - and who I really am is self responsible in bringing all points back to myself wherein I am then able to forgive myself for separating myself and able to change myself so that I no longer - ever again - allow myself to separate myself from myself


  1. What is a The Gift of the Relfection?
    Send Gift Pakistan

    1. The gift is of seeing: whatever we 'see' in another, whatever we react to towards another, whatever we like or dislike about another, whatever we 'think' about another - is a reflection of ourselves - we are always see ourselves and so within this the gift to change ourselves through self responsibility. check out the forum for more perspectives


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