Day 3 - Ego of Superiority

Day 3

What I can see as an overall experience within myself while walking throughout my day and even throughout my whole life. Is this point of superiority. Wherein I will 'look down' on others that do not agree with me - or that I do not agree with or do not have the same ways of seeing things as I do - there is this sense of 'I know more then them - they haven't yet realized - they will see' sense to me. This is obvious separation of myself as ALL - as I see myself as more then through the Mind's perspective of who I am in relation to others - believing myself to know more - to see more clearly. Yet - all I am actually seeing is through my Mind's Eye of what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'. So within this - existing in competition with every other human being that I define as 'wrong' and always placing myself in a position of 'winning' as being right.

So let's look again at why War exists in this World - because we are busy separating ourselves within ourselves in defending our positions of being 'right' and others being 'wrong' - without investigating what it is we are actually defending. Because if we dared to actually see what we are busy defending and protecting - we would see it is the Ego - the Mind - the programmed personalities that we believe ourselves to be that judge others for not agreeing with us = validating our own self accepted definitions/nature. Not seeing that we have all equally been programmed within this world to see each other as 'different' - and separate. Not realizing we are of/as the very same substance of what this world is actually being supported by - the Earth. Yet - through the Mind, we see our beliefs and opinions and ideas about ourselves and each other and why this world is the way it is and how this life should be lived - not at all seeing the actual Living beings that we are - where within that we are Equal. I mean - I guess we are also equal in that we have all equally fucked ourselves in competing with each other in defending ourselves as the Mind/Ego to be right - to be the winner - to be special and 'the one'.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to separate myself within myself as the mind as the ego wherein i see myself as superior to others who do not agree with me and thus create competition within myself with others as a way to win and to be right

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to judge others who do not agree with me as being 'wrong' and thus create conflict and friction within myself wherein i separate myself from others as me througha cepting and allowing an idea of myself within the mind wherein I am right and they are wrong

I forigve myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire being superior to others wherein I believe I am the winner and better and thus protected within my own bubble of self righteousness as I fear to be defined wrong as I have defined wrong to be inferior/less then

I forgive ymself for acepting and allowing ymself to define being wrong as being inferior

I forgive myself for acepting and allowing ymself to define being right as being superior

I forgive myself for aceptinga nd allowing myself to separate myself within myselfa and separate myself from all others as me through accpeting and allowing the the definition of life to be within the polarity as being right and wrong, superior/inferior, winner/loser.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to split myself within myself as the mind through acepting myself to see life as either being right or wrong - superior or inferior, wining or losing - instead of realizing all here are of the same exact substance that is this earth and thus we are all equal and can exist without the belief of having to polarize life into one degree or the other. LIfe is simply here and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define life as polarization

I forgive ymself for accepting and allowing myself to judge others who see differently from me isntead of realizing we are all walking the same process - we are all here equally subject to the very same system in which we are through our allownace enslaved to money that we have accepted to be the value of life - and thus I stop being of this world and start living in this world - as the physical body that I am as I breathe - realizing this is what is real as equality in that my body is of the earth equal with all other bodies here - equal as the earth

I forgive ymself for acepting and allowing myself to exist wtihin the mind of self definitions as always belieivng myself to be right wherein i can compete to be the winner and have power over others

I forgive ymself for accepting and allowing ymself to believe I need power over others to survie - this is of the MInd - this I stop Here

I forgive ymself for accepting and allowing ymself to use knowledge and information of this world to define myself and others as being right or wrong

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create war within myself towardds others who do not agree with me - realizing this is why wars exist within this world - because it exists as me and thus I stop and take responsibility for myself within commiting myself to equalizing myself to become the living word as equality and oneness - as I see all as me wihtout the need to compete and have power over each other - I cannot have power over another as that other is me

I forgive ymself for accepting and allowing ymself to seek power over myself as another - I stop believe I need to fight with myself

I forgive ymself for accepting and allowing ymself to believe competition is healthy as a way to motive each other to become better - this is self abuse as the mind as then I am making myself and my 'rightness ' and my 'winning' to be more important then another - I bring myself back to life of equality and direct myself within my world to change myself as this world to create what is best for all - within and without

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to believe life is of separation - that life is of competition - that life is of winning and losing - I stop fearing losing and through this desire to win - I realize for me to win another has to lose and so I stop the abuse of life through my desire to be the inner

I commit myself to stop defending my ego as the mind of needing to be right and I start seeing all life as me - wherein I don't need to compete - I require to see myself as all and thus stand equal with all as I am committing ymself to live the realization that we are all one - we are all equal - as we are made up of the earth

I commit myself to stopping war within myself within placing myself superior to others through defining myself as right and others a wrong

I commit myself to stopping the need to be right and humble myself within realizing I am walking a process as all are walking a procuess and thus I allow ymself to use what is here as a gift of giving to myself that which I have not yet - Life

I commit myself to stopping the judgments of others beliefs and opinions - within realizing I too accept and allow beliefs and opinions within myself and so I commit myself to stopping ymself in supporting myself to become a real human being that does not need beliefs and opinions to exist within realizing through beliefs and opinions we separate ourselves from ourselves and so I stop this here

I commit myself to push myself to stand equal with all here as me - realizing we are all breathing beings and thus I breathe myself as being self aware of every moment ensuring myself to not separate myself from myself or others through seeing/defining myself as superior or right or the winner

I commit myself to stop the abuse of life through stopping the desire to win as being right wherein I realize for me to win another must lose - so I stop enslaving life as me through allowing others to lose so that I might win

When and as I see myself existing within/participating in thoughts and experienes of being superior - I stop and I breathe and I breathing myself back to myself within the self awareness that I am not superior nor inferior to anyone/anything here - All life is equal as All life comes from the dust of the earth - thus I push myself to realize we are all the earth - equal and one

When and as I see myself existing within competition in the desire to be right so that I can win - I stop and I breathe within realizing for me to win another must lose - and I stop this self abuse of life as others through my acceptane of winning or being right. I STAND EQUAL WITH/AS LIFE

When and as I see myself existing within the Mind as Ego within the idea that i have to defend myself - I stop and i breathe within realizing this is of the Mind which is of separation and thus I stop separating myself from myself as the rbeathe of life and stand equal with life as the physical - as that which is real for all


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