592: Confronting What I Can Do Differently
Art by: Danny O'Connor Slowing down in this moment to expand on a point of support I was offered by a critic. Critic might be a strong word to describe this person, they were simply exerting a reaction to my words, and I was faced with a fear of criticism and I tried to embrace it rather than run from it. I looked at my experience in reading their 'criticism' and considered if there was something for me to learn. There was. I learned that I can become more specific when I explain things, I can give more practical contexts to the examples I share, and I can take the time to engage with those that might not understand what I'm saying. I shared a post/point the other day about how fulfillment is in a simple moment of nothingness - where there is nothing going on except you sitting with another, having a cup of coffee, and reflecting on your day and life in conversation . Without a need to fill yourself up with something external, as in feeling you must have somet