Day 1 - Exposing my Nature

As I begin to write these words - I allow myself to see myself in every way possible. In all parts I have separated myself into and as as the Mind of alternate Realities. Through writing these words - I bring myself back to myself - back to the breath - back to the Physical - back to Life. As I write these words - I reveal to myself and all as me the Nature in which I have created myself. Separate from myself as Life. Within this - I start here. Walking through the Mind as the Personality I have believed myself to Be - and Back to the Real Me - that which exists here in this Physical Reality. This is my Walk back to Life - back to the Beginning - back into the Darkness from which I emerged. Removing all parts of myself that do not support me as Life - I stop the sounds of the Mind and bring myself back to Silence... Back to Nothing. From Here I will emerge again - from the Darkness as the Silence that is Here - Equal with myself in All ways Here as Life - Equality and Oneness Realized.

Within this - there is fear - fear of placing words that I will not be able to live up to or stand by. Fearing myself in who I will become - without realizing that fear is Who I have already become. Who I am currently. Who I no longer accept myself to be.

And so - I walk myself into a Self Agreement - a Self Commitment - to walk through the patterns of myself as the Mind - releasing myself through forgiveness all parts that do not stand stable and sound in equality and oneness with/for/as All as me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear placing words as myself in the belief I will not be able to live by them - stand by them

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear walking myself out of the Mind in fear of who I will become - instead of realizing that who I am now is not best for all - it is a Mind System that Supports Self interest of this world - and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create/design myself as a System of Self Interest - where I forget and ignore and disregard all parts of myself that is Here with only existing in the Mind of my own alternate reality - separate from myself here as this physical reality - the physical reality we are all within/as equal and one with

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from myself as all that is here as this physical reality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear letting go and releasing myself as the Mind in fear of what I will become because through separating myself I have learned to not trust myself

I forgive myself that I haven't yet allowed myself to trust myself - in every moment of Breath - to walk a process of Self Change - Self Honesty - where I see and realize who I have become is not who I really am - and thus I allow myself to release myself of the constraints and cages of my Mind where I believe I can never again trust myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within the cages of fear in attempt to survive and thus not considering the well being of all that is here - instead exist in self interest of my own survival while the rest of me suffers

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see my own existence separate from all others existence - instead of realizing I am equal as One with all of Existence and thus I realize and see my self responsibility in forgiving myself for separating myself from myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist committing myself to a process of self change - of self facing self as all the faces self has created as personalities to be protected - and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I have to protect myself within realizing the idea of needing protection is within fear - fear of being harmed - fear of being abused - and within this realizing this is a projection of who I have already accepted and allowed myself to be and become - a Mind system that feeds of the Physical for entertainment of the Mind through distractions of memories and desires - not seeing myself here - not seeing the Life I am draining through my abdication of Self as the breath as Life

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear exposing the true nature of myself as the mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear seeing for myself the true nature of myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe who I have become is something to fear - instead of realizing it is a Gift - to see who I am and who I have not yet allowed myself to be - to correct those parts of myself that do not support me as Life and ensure I never again allow this within/as myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear others seeing the nature of myself instead of realizing it is me fearing seeing me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect 'seeing the nature of myself' with fear and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear my own fear

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear never letting go of the Mind as who I have defined myself to be

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give away my power of self directive principle through fear of seeing myself as the nature of my self definitions

I forgive myself that I haven't yet allowed myself to give myself the power of self directive principle to once and for all walk a process of change - physical, practically - facing the patterns and holding myself accountable/responsible for my participation within creation

When and as I see myself fearing myself - fearing the nature of who I have accepted myself to be as the Mind of Personalities - I stop and I breathe - realizing I am here and within this Realization - I have the Power to Stop me and Change me - the gift of every moment of breath

When and as I see myself fearing the words I speak or write - I stop and I breathe within allowing myself to express myself - to see myself - to share myself within realizing I have never allowed this of me before - instead I existed in the secrecy of my own mind - afraid to be 'caught and exposed' - and thus - I take back power through Exposing myself - releasing myself - opening the door to freedom of the burdens of self judgment and self prison.

I walk this for Me. I walk this for me as Life. The Freedom of Me as All as Life. Let us begin.


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