Day 4 - Responsible for Change - within and without

So today I saw a very tricky pattern - a deceptive pattern of the Mind as a way to exist within resistance to change and avoiding myself in self honesty and self responsibility.

This Pattern is "I don't have nothing to change"

This reveals itself in thoughts such as, "I am stable today - I have been breathing - I am not possessed by anything"

LOL - when the mere statement within secrecy of my Mind PROVES that there is Change/Correction required Here. Within this point as the Mind of experience - I didn't want to write today - I didn't want to share or expose anything - as if I want to present myself as Perfect. If I were perfect - this world would not be showing to me currently what it is. People in my reality would not be showing me what they do - I would not exist in thoughts within my Mind where only I exist and separate myself from this One Reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I have nothing to change

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am perfect

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the thought, "I have nothing to change" as a way to avoid and resist the responsibilities within myself that I have committed myself to within REALIZING that who I am currently is a Mind System of thoughts and pictures and energies that compete and fight to be the winner without considering this reality I exist within where equality exists as me - if only I would allow myself to see/live this as who I really am.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use the excuse "I am stable today" as a way to abdicate the responsibility I have committed myself to walking myself out loud - in self honesty - through hiding within myself as thoughts that there is nothing for me to change. The fact that there are 7 billion people on this planet and not all have access to the basic requirements of Life reveals to me that I have not yet perfected myself in fact as I realize perfection is all life living in equality and oneness - thus practically physically living equality and oneness through the realization that All is Me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hide within the back chat of "I am not possessed by anything today" - as a way to resist going into myself within seeing the nature I have allowed of myself as the Mind and expose to myself who I have created myself to be - I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not take full responsibility in every moment within realizing every thoughts, every word spoken within my Mind is in fact separation and the self definition of self where self can be safe and not change - attempting to hide in not having to take self responsibility for myself as this World

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not responsible for myself or my world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not responsible for this whole world as it is currently manifested

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not responsible for the starvation that exists

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not responsible for the war that exists

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not responsible for the rape that exists

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not responsible for the suffering that exists

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not responsible for the fact that we as humanity are killing and destroying our environment - that which is who we are - the earth, through our greed and self interest to have more - to be more - not realizing what consequences we have for not taking responsibility

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that others can change the world - I don't have to - because I have accepted myself to believe I am not responsible for what is here as this world - that I am equally participating within

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I can run away from self responsibility and consequences thereof - without realizing that I am Here - that thus I must face what is Here in order to change what is her e- until this is done - I will never be free

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abdicate my self responsibility and authority to the mind as me wherein I believe the thoughts that I have not points within myself to correct - instead of realizing that until there is nothing within and as me and I am again standing as the innocence of a child that is not of this world and equal as the physical - I am responsible for myself - I am responsible for the separation and inequality within this world as I still allow thoughts to direct me based on the past and who I have believed myself to be in this world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give my power away as self creator through abdicating self responsibility for correcting what is here as me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist in the illusionary feel good experience of " I am perfect' wherein I believe I am stable and there exists nothing within me - instead of realizing this very thought exists within my as the lack of standing in the shoes of all and within my ignorance spit on life as I hide within these ideas that I am not responsible for changing - as I see what this world is and thus I SEE change is requires and I realize this change must be in every and all ways Best for ALL - without this Life is not perfect

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself as All of Humanity

I commit myself to walking myself within every moment of breath wherein I am self aware of myself as the Mind to be able to see every thoughts - every word - every movement that I do not direct - as this is enslavement and thus I commit myself to stop my own enslavement as the Mind and Direct myself to see this nature of myself as the separation I see without - I see it and I change it through forgiving myself and committing myself to perfect myself as Life

I commit myself to walk every moment as breath to come to realize that I have to walk in the shoes of All here to prove to myself that I am considering Life - that I am considering myself as Life and do whatever is necessary to be done to sort out myself thus sort out this world - because within standing in the shoes of All - I see correction is requires - I see forgiveness is required - as I am allowing myself to stand in those without a voice- those that i am made a victim to me so that I can exist within a separate reality of the Mind

I commit myself to seeing myself as the Mind and commit myself to take responsibility fully in every moment of what I allow within myself - every thought - every judgment - every experience that is not best for all - I commit myself to stop and to see where it is coming from and walk myself backwards through time to bring myself back to the beginning of what I have allowed as creation thus to be within the starting point of what is best for all

I commit myself to stopping the excuses of the Mind that tell me I do not have to change as I realize this world requires Change and I realize I must be the Change I want to see in this world - and thus I slow myself down to see myself in every moment - to see points of separation where I attempt to be more then or accept myself as less then life - I stop this and forgive myself - every moment - every day until All Life as Me is Free

When and as I see myself participating/existing within the Mind of Excuse that I do not have to change because apparently I am not responsible for this world - I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to the physical as life - back to the physical body that is in fact of this earth and stop myself for participating in the alternate realities of the mind wherein I believe I do not have to be responsible for myself as Life as the Physical - I breathe within Self Responsibility

When and as I see myself attempting to run away and hide from my responsibility to/for myself as life through back chats as excuses that I don't have anything to change - I stop and I breathe - within realizing that until Life is free as All that is Here - there then still exists separation within me and thus I direct myself to be here wherein I have the power to forgive me - correct me - create me within and as the Living words of What is Best for All

When and as I see myself going into resistance of facing me as the Mind - I stop and I breathe within realizing the Mind does not want to change as the Mind fears to lose itself ans thus I breathe through this experience of fear of the Mind and realize that I am here - I am here as the breath as the physical and thus I direct myself within what is best for all - within realizing facing/forgiving/correcting myself in every moment is what is Best for All until there is nothing left of me as the being that is of this World


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