616: Dimes as a Sign from Heaven (21 of 30)

The other day I saw a dime on the floor. It reminded me of back in the day when I believed money, specifically dimes, were a sign from heaven ... someone on the other side was looking out for me. This was "confirmed" in various psychic readings I had. The next day, I saw another random dime on the floor and I had a little laugh to myself. Because the same, subtle thought emerged of, "is this a sign?" "is someone looking out for me?" "is there Money in my future ?" lol I do not actively participate in such thinking anymore because, well, what's the point? From my perspective, there are more important things for everyone, alive or dead, to be doing rather than making sure a little ol' dime is in my reality as a sign of something good to come. It's wishful thinking and keeps us locked in beliefs that have no real value to our lives or this world. One could argue it's harmless, but one could also argue it's harmful becaus...