644: Sins of the Fathers and Birthing Life from the Physical

A continuation from the previous blogs in relation to family... more points of consideration opening up of what it means to stop the generational family lines, to have it end with me and to be the key for the children to usher in heaven on earth. I've heard the old must go before the new can step forth. As a parent, we must stop/end the old as the patterns that have been past down from past lives and the children are the new - the clean slate, the fresh start, a clear starting point to create from.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that I have a responsibility to the future generations and to this world wherein who I am as bringing children into this world will determine the kind of world that is created and I am either carrying on and passing onto the next generation the sins of the father or principles that will create a world that's best for all

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that I have an opportunity to support creating heaven on earth by not allowing myself to pass on the sins of the father onto my children

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that children are an opportunity to create something new but only through the parents willing to be the end of the old cycle, the old world of separation and allowing the children to be the new cycle, the new world - bring heaven to earth

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize the responsibility we have to bring children into this world that will see an example of living principles of love thy neighbor as thyself and give to another as you would like to receive as the only way in which we will create heaven on earth for those to come

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to bring children into this world without considering what needs to be changed as the parent that pass on the patterns that will influence and shape who the child becomes

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that to bring children into this world without questioning the past and the generational lines of programming as what was developed in the family and questioning that development and asking if it serves what is best for all is a disservice to the children and world to come

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I have an opportunity to shape the future by how I raise my children which will be determined by who I am as a parent and the patterns I instill in the children as what they see as my living example

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that parents have the most crucial responsibility in this world as they are the starting point for who their children will become

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to bring children into this world without questioning the world that exists as thinking and believing that just having children is creating a future instead of asking WHAT kind of world do the children deserve and so what kind of example do the children deserve to learn from?

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that children copy what they see - they are like parrots of the parent repeating the thoughts, words, and deeds and so the responsibility of each parent is great to display a living example that is self-honest, self-responsible, grounded, understanding, forgiving, stable, compassionate and directive in nature

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe children will change things instead of realizing children will be the example they see and if they do not see something new they will repeat the same generational cycles currently playing out in this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe children are a solution to changing the world instead of realizing the condition of the children will determine the conditioning of who they are and thus the conditions they accept and allow within/as this world and thus it's up to the parent - the parents actually being the key as the solution to changing the world

I commit myself to ensure if I bring children into this world I am prepared to show patterns, as the parent, that is best for all - that I LIVE my words and I Stand By and As Principles that are Best for All so as to support the Children to be the generation that Creates Heaven on Earth

I commit myself to stopping the sins of the fathers with me and to birth Life from the physical as me

I commit myself to not be hopeful in the children but rather be the catalyst for children to see and experience what life should be where the Living Principle that guides what they see and experience and expects from Life and thus gives to Life is What is Best for All, Give to Another What you Would Like to Receive and Love thy Neighbor as Thyself

I commit myself to rid myself of the past as the sins of the fathers so that I may show my children Heaven on Earth

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