634: How Do You Deal with Stress?

When I am stressed I see the first thing I have a tendency of doing is getting frustrated with my partner. All of a sudden I'm focused in on what he's doing wrong, or what he's not doing enough of... everything he says I roll my eyes at. When I am feeling stressed, he becomes the target I aim it at.

One aspect of this is because the stress is indicating something I am not taking full responsibility for, or where I have not done everything in my self-honest ability to prevent a situation where stress is being created... there are things I haven't done or am refusing to do which creates stress. And while I SEE this, instead of taking absolute responsibility for it I throw it unto my partner to deal with. I become a stressor for him.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into conflict within myself when I am stressed and as a way to release this stress, become blamey and judgmental towards my partner as if he's at fault for something instead of seeing WHY I am stressed and the solutions to sorting it out

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe a practical way to deal with my stress is to focus in on my partner and what he's apparently doing wrong instead of addressing my own stress head on

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to cope with stress I experience as lashing out at my partner instead of realizing the support of working together, not becoming more divided

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to stop myself when I see I am annoyed and irritated at my partner as if he is the cause of my stress instead of focusing in on MYSELF and what is causing the stress, and how can I change what is causing the stress

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become irritated with myself when I see I've created stress within myself/my life that I could have prevented but didn't and then project that irritation onto my partner

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my default programming and automatic response of stress to become blaming another person for it, reverting to the victimization I've become so accustomed to instead of standing within my power as self-empowerment and actively looking for and creating solutions to my stress that does not translate into becoming a stressor for another

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allwoed myself to realize the consequences I create within my partner when I project my stres sunto him

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe it is acceptable to project my stress onto anyone instead of realizing how I am only causing ripple effects on other people's lives

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in not taking responsibility for myself or what I create as stress in my life, I can cause stress for others around me

When and as I see myself beocming blamey and judgmental towards my partner when I see I am clearly stressed out, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is NOT the way to handle my stress and I can be more empowering for myself and my partner if I were to simply take responsibility for myself in who I am AS the stress and to actively seek and implement solutions that I see are necessary to quell the stress I experience. And so I commit myself to stop stressing others out by allowing my own stress and to rather see what is pressing within me as needing my attention and care - what it is that is becoming stressful that needs changing?

I commit myself to empower myself within stress to see where I can specify myself and my application and to not disempower others by blaming them for my stress

I commit myself to keep stressing the importance of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY

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