630: You Can't Hide

Someone recently said something to me that was kind of shocking to hear... they knew exactly how I felt about another person, without me ever having to say it directly. I in fact never did say it directly to anyone, yet somehow this person KNEW what I thought I was hiding, so perfectly may I add, within myself. Because while I had experiences that I defined as disliking someone, I never dared show that to them or others... or at least I thought I didn't...

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe I can hide who I am by not speaking my thoughts, without realizing my BODY and my PRESENCE Resonate exactly who I am

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel negatively towards someone but to show them a positive face and to think within this I am hiding my real feelings instead of realizing we humans communicate on a much deeper level then the false face we show each other

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe I am so cunning and slick when I don't tell someone how I really feel about them instead of realizing how good I've gotten at deceiving myself in thinking I can deceive others and not at all realizing what I'm actually communicating in my body and presence

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that who I am resonates as my presence... not necessarily in my words and how I speak to others and that who I am must change at the level of my presence/resonance to actually be able to live self-honestly I must be able to resonate that which I actually present to others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think I can hide my inner experiences towards others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe anything is hidden instead of realizing everything is actually exposed and we are only kidding ourselves in thinking we can hide within ourselves from each other

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that my body, my presence, my resonance reveals exactly who I am

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to show a fake face to others I don't like in hiding who I really am in relation to them instead of taking responsibility for who I am in relation to others and to STOP the discord I experience towards others as actually being able to stand in front of them without hiding anything because I am without judgment, blame and hate

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress who I am in relation to people I don't like by smiling and talk pleasantly with them instead of actually taking responsibility and removing the discord but realizing it's not them, it's me and thus the problem is mine to solve

When and as I see myself attempting to hide how I feel about others by presenting a face that is nicer than how I feel about them, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand how deceptive this is actually to myself as I realize I cannot hide my real face which is my real experience in relation to others an that it is my responsibility to sort that out and so I commit myself to stop hiding my real face and rather become self-honestly forgiving myself for what I'm accepting and allowing within me that I'm attempting to hide from others

When and as I see myself thinking and believing others do not know how I really feel about them, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that who I am, the real me, is revealed in my resonance as my presence, communicating loudly through my body language and voice tonality and overall energy of me and so I commit myself to get self-honest about what I resonate and take responsibility for anything that is not in alignment to what is best for al which excludes blame, judgment, anger, and hate.

I commit myself to align my inner and outer self to be one and equal... where I do not hide my inner hate with a nice smile and rather forgive the hate to see the value of all equally

I commit myself to stop deceiving myself in thinking I can deceive others and myself in how I'm actually experiencing myself

I commit myself to stop fooling myself in thinking I can fool others to believe I like them when I don't and to dig into the why I don't like them to be able to forgive, let go, and change

I commit myself to investigate all parts of myself as what I dislike in another and to take responsibility for that dis-like as it is a dis-ease as it usually implies I am accepting and allowing blame, judgments, and hate

I commit myself to expose all of myself to all of myself so that I no longer have anything to hide

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