649: A Commitment to Bloom

It has been now over 2 months of writing a blog daily for my Journey to Life. Tonight was the first night where I was actually not going to write, I would say with a valid excuse, but I am choosing not to because this is the first time I have been able to commit to this point and to walk it with a consistency of ease and I refuse to stop for a moment.

The daily writing has been so supportive for me. I was looking at this point the other day of how I felt like I was finally moving in my process - how I actually am making strides within my process and I considered that because of the daily blog. And then I had the thought "my blog is not really walking my process" as thinking it's a point I'm defining outside of myself - something I am doing rather than changing who I am.

But this daily blogging is precisely me changing who I am and that who I am is determining what I do and what I am doing is this daily blogging as my Journey to life. This is my Process... this is me walking my process, and every day I come here and show myself and YOU what I am walking.

There is daily movement, there is daily action of self-honesty, self-responsibility and self-integrity. I am learning to trust myself and others are learning to trust me as I am here every day, showing up because that is who I choose to be. And for the first time, I can say I am proud of myself because I am showing up for myself.

7 years ago a challenge was given to walking this Process Physically as the Journey to Life - to Commit to writing yourself out for a minimum of 7 years to transform yourself into what is best for all. 7 years later and I have only written less than 2 years worth of blogs, but I am more so committed today because I see the relevance, the purpose, the validity, the cause, and the effect.

I decided I was going to take on this Journey again because I saw so many reasons why I wasn't and so many excuses that kept me cycling through the same point. I know what it takes to walk this and I knew I had it in me, I just wasn't given myself the opportunity to show myself.

So I just wanted to share, like I do daily, that I am here and I'm not going anywhere and I am more so committed today than yesterday and I trust that with each daily application of writing my blog, of self-investigation, of self-responsibility, of self-honesty, of self-forgiveness, of EXPOSING myself and daring to LIVE OUT LOUD - revealing to all truths of me I once wanted to keep hidden, I am becoming stronger and stronger.

And while in this moment, physically, I am weakened, I still make a decision to come and write here. Even when I didn't have a topic. Even when I had a valid excuse. Even when I decided already I wasn't going to write, here I am. because I made a commitment myself and I want to see the commitment in full bloom.

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