Day 32:The Reality of Illusion

I just uploaded a video where I was speaking about how within spirituality claims this physical reality is the illusion and gives much participation to the Mind Reality as if that were the 'real thing'. "The physical world is there to distract you from your reality, and your work is to overcome the distractions. Lessons from the Source"

I participated with this belief once upon a time in my Life - and so Self Forgiveness is required

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define the physical reality as an illusion

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define the mind as the real reality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give more value to the mental reality within my Mind as if it were more real then this physical reality that is matter - real in every way as it is what is here - it is what i can see, taste, touch, and hear.. while the mental reality of the Mind only exists through my belief of it, my participation of it, and can stop if I stop it thus within this prove to myself it is not real - only the physical reality is real, as it remains, with or without me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to distract myself within an illusionary reality as my mind, and disregarding the real reality of physical matter as world, not caring about what is here and what is real and instead participate and separate myself within a separate reality that only exists because I have created it

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abdicate my responsibility to this physical reality through my acceptance and participation within the mental reality of Mind - where I believe I exist, not realizing I exist in the physical reality first and thus is what is actually allowing me to separate myself into an alternate reality separate from the real reality and so I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from the real reality through my acceptance and participation in an illusionary reality within my Mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself as the thoughts in my mind - believing they are real more then my physical body which is actually was sustains me and my life and ability to exist here

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give more value to my mind instead of the real reality of physical matter - as I see this is what is real, this is where Life is - this is what is eternal, while the mind fades and will no longer exist when I die, as I realize the body will remain and thus within this prove to myself the body is real as it is physical - the mind is illusion as it cease to exist

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow the world around me as the real reality of physical matter to crumble, as I see there is suffering and pain and unacceptable atrocities happening in a daily basis - yet I choose to pretend it's not real through defining it as an illusion, because I believe it's easier to exist separate from it - believing I am not a part of it and so I hide within my mind to distract myself from what is here because I cannot stand to see it - I want to ignore it and pretend life is wonderful, not realizing life is physical and life as this real reality is showing me what I am accepting and allowing, showing me I have separated myself as I see the separation within this world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from Life that is Real and Life that is Here through accepting and participating in the Mental Reality of the mInd where I can be whatever I want and do not have to take responsibility for the physical world around me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within my self interest of the Mind where I can believe whatever I want as long as I don't have to face this real reality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give my power away to the Mind through defining myself within and as thoughts... believing that is who I really am and not seeing what is actually allowing me to exist

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse the real reality through using it to exist in self interest of the mind - using my energy of the physical to feed the illusion of my mental reality, instead of being here and sorting myself out and sorting out this world so I never again live in illusion, but Live for Real in this Reality Equal with/as all

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to spit on life through saying this world is not real and hoping and praying for a better reality to exist because I have not yet allowed myself to realize I can change - I can become real in this physical reality with the ability and power to change it into a reality that is best for all

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from the very thing that makes me real and gives/allows me Life - my physical breath as that it which sustains my very being here - my Life and thus I commit myself to BREATHE myself within equality and oneness as I walk my process of becoming real... out of the Mind and back to Reality where Life is Real as the Breath I breathe.

I commit myself to stopping the illusion of the Mind and getting back to reality where all Life exists equally

I commit myself to bringing the illusion of the mind back to earth so that I stop distracting myself and start directing myself to become real - participating in this physical reality and creating and changing into a reality that is for real best for all

I commit myself to stop my self interest existence within the Mind - and care for All life here within and as this Physical Reality

I commit myself to see Life for Real and stop the illusions of the Mind - I commit myself to stop existing in make-beleive - I commit myself to get Real and Become Life


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