Day 20 - Competing with Others in my Mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself believe life is about competition

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that in life I have to be more then another

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to when I feel as if I am not being ‘more’ then another or I am not wining within the competition I have created within myself to/towards another – attempt to diminish them through blame

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within this need for power and control over another through competition and if I experience myself as inferior to another being – believing I have to diminish them within myself or outwardly towards them in order to regain my perceived sense of power and control

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I have no power and control within myself and thus desire to have this over another

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give my power and control away to me as the Mind that acts within automation in which I have designed myself according to past experiences, wherein I will react wihtou any self direction – only reactions based on who I’ve been and how I have defined myself and others and so within this giving away of my power and control attempt to gain, have power and control over another through competition

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to lash out at another for my internal experience of feeling out of control within the self created competition that I have allowed within myself with/towards another bieing and thus when I feel as if I am not winning – attempt to diminish them as a way to get them to be equal within what I experience as doubt and powerlessness

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to attempt to get others to be equal within my experience of diminishment – instead of supporting myself and others to express unconditionally as life – where there exists no competition or power and control – there is simply an expression of equals as one within expression and communication

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become an abuser of life through separating myself from myself as others in competing with others within my mind, trying to be more then them when I feel inferior then them without realizing if only I would see/realize/understand equality – I would see/realize/understang there is no inferior/superior expect within the mind as separation – and so I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see myself as others as my equals and instead abuse life as myself as others through separating myself and others through defining me or them as inferior/superior

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define life within separation as inferior/superior, instead of seeing/realizing/understanding life is equal

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself according to how I experience myself in relation to another – instead of allowing myself to see that which I react to as a gift of support t- to get myself to an equal point wherein if I feel inferior – to see what it is I feel inferior to and thus practically move myself within this physical reality to live/be/stand as that which I believe I am inferior to

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to simply accept and allow the experience of inferiority as competition with another – instead of questioning how I can expand/change/be more then what I am accepting and allowing through supporting myself to stand/live/express that which I beelive I am unable to/that which I have accepted myself as inferior to

When and as I see myself accepting competition within myself with/towards another – I stop and I breathe realizing that we are equal and one, and thus I stop the self abuse as self separation with others as me – and I realize we are equal, equal in the substance that we are

When and as I see myself blaming others within the attempt to diminish them – I stop and I breathe realizing this is a point of competition that I am allowing and thus I push myself to investigate what it is I believe I am inferior to – what is this person revealing to me, and push myself to correct myself in a way to be able to stand/live/express equally that which I believed I was inferior to

I commit myself to stop the competition within myself to/towards another – realizing within this I am defining myself and others as life as separation – I realize there is no competition, there is no superior/inferior beings – we are all equal as one and thus I push myself to see this – to live this and stop the competition within myself

I commit myself to stop the abuse of myself and others as life through believing one has to be more or elss then another – I commit myself to standing equal to all parts that are myself as others showing me where I have separated myself through not standing/living/expressing that which I have defined myself as inferior/superior to


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