Day 25: Forgetting to Breathe

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get lost within my my internal world when leave my home wherein I lose my effectiveness to remain breathing

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define breathing aa a difficult application while outside of my home – where I am amongst people and things and stimulation

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself tobeleive that outside of my home where I am among people and many stimulations – that I cannot remain breathing and not push myself to remains as the breath as I walk throughout my day, no matter where I am

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame my external reality and environment for causing stimulation that distracts me from my breath - instead of taking responsibility for myself in every moment as life - to walk self honesty as who I really as as Life = the breath

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from myself as life as the breath when I leave my house, as I then allow people and things in my external world to stimulate my internal world where I am in constant commentary about what is happening around me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe it is easier to be within/as my breath when I am home alone

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience guilt within myself after leaving work or heading home after being out all day as I realize I was not with/as my breath – which implies I was within/as the Mind and thus supporting the personalities and alternate realities within my mind – accepting this as me, living is as me as I was not living equal to and one with me as life as the breath

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let go of my self will with breathing when I leave my house – allowing people and things in my external reality be the triggers for the expeirneces of myself within myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not push myself to remain with and as the breathe as I walk my life in every moment – no matter where I am as I am always here – yet if I allow myself to stop breathing as who I am as life – then I am separating myself from who I am as life and thus living self dishonesty and so within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to live self dishonest as me when I do not breath and simply allow myself to forget myself as the breath

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from myself as life as what is real as the breath which is me as the physical substance equal to and one with all and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from myself as all equal and one with me when/as I do not support myself within breathing as I am then within my own internal reality wherein I exist in self interest and self dishonesty thinking about only me and my experience and literally disregarding this physical reality as me as the physical breath

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within the mind wherein I find myself going so fast – jumping all over the place and not ever stable here, where the breath moves slow and steady and is constant, the same all ways in all ways and thus I forgive myself that I haven yet allowed myself to walk with/as life as the physical as the breath – being the constant expression of life always here in all ways, the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow

I commit myself to push myself to breath, in every moment and thus when and as I see myself not breathing or not aware of my breath – I stop – NO MATTEER WHERE I AM OR WHO I AM WITH – I bring myself back to who I am as equality and oneness and walk with/as the physical as I realize this is where I am most effective in supporting me as life and thus all as me as life

I commit myself to stop the guilt within myself when I find myself not breathing – I simply forgive myself and bring myself back to the breath and push myself to always do this until I am constant here walking with and as the breath as who I am as life as equality and oneness as this physical reality as me and thus I realize it is a process within reprogramming myself to become aware of myself as life/breathe – and stop I always bring myself back here, always remind myself to breath, always stop and breathe as who I really am thus support life as me

I commit myself to stop blaming my external reality for why I am not breathing in every moment of my days – as I am able to breathe no matter where I am, it is simply a matter of becoming self honest in walking the application as who I am and thus I commit myself to become self honest within walking every moment with/as the breath as who I really am, and realize that no matter where I am or with who I am – I am here as Life/breath

I commit myself to slowing myself down, to ensure I am the one taking each breath – that I am directing myself within each moment as I realize I can only do this as the breathe because I see when I am not breathing – I am not life – I am existing within the Mind as the alternate realites of the past/present/future as memories that I use to distract and occupy myself with instead of LIVING here – BEING here – Supporting life as me as the physical as who I really am as the breath


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