Day 23 - The Dead Calling my Name

Today I was sitting with some people, eating and talking and just hanging out. Some were inside and some were outside with me. While we were sitting there, I thought I heard my name being called, so I said, "what". The two that were sitting with me looked at me and I asked, "did someone call my name?" They said no and I said, "I thought I heard someone call my name."

One of the beings said, "You should never answer if you hear your name calling and you should never walk towards where you heard your name being called"

This brought up the point that I once participated within myself. The Belief that if you hear your name being called and no one is there, then it is a being from the 'other side' aka a dead guy. And that you should never answer it - as if to say they are 'negative beings' and you should not answer them. Lol - it's funny to look at this point now as I can see the silliness in it - it's just a superstition we accept and allow, a belief passed through the generations that have no actual place in this physical reality.

Why do we think we need to have such ideas?

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to beleive that if I hear someone call my name and no one is there, then it is a ghost calling my name

I forgive myself for accepting and allwoing myself to beleive that if I hear someone call my name and no one is there, that it's a 'negative entity' trying to get my attention and cause me harm.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear negative entities or ghost - as if they were real instead of realizing it is all made up within my mind and has no actual place in this physical reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept the beliefs passed on to me through my parents and older generations, religions and spiritual teachings that have told me that if I hear my name calling, it is a dead person calling my name, and that I should not answer, instead of investigating this points within myself as a being that can see common sense - it is just a belief that I cannot prove or disprove and thus is open to debate, thus has no place in this physical reality, and I see this physical reality has ways of being that are not debatable, they are simply the wya things are, physical practical guidelines that I can live with/as and thus not trap myself within the beliefs and make believe of the mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe there are dead people that call my name

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear dead people that want to create negative experiences for me - instead of seeing the silliness of it and question why the hell there are dead people wanting to call my name, why aren't they finding solutions for this world? lol

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept the superstitions of my society that if I hear my name being called it is a dead person, without questioning this ever - only accepting it as if it is real

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place value on my mind as beliefs that have been passed down to me through the generations before, instead of realizing what this world currently is/manifested as is the outflow of the past generations acceptances and allowances and thus I see/understand/realize that the past generations acceptances and allowances has not created a world that is best for all - it has only created a world of separation and fear and make believe ideas in the mind, and so I stop this cycle of abuse that perpetuates the mind reality as more valuable then the physical reality and I get back to what matters in matter and be the change within this world to then create a reality that is best for all

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear the stories i have been told by parents and elders about ghosts and 'negative energies' - instead of investigating them for myself whether they are within the common sense practical guidelines of this physical reality - if they are in fact true and if they are not and I cannot prove them in this physical reality -then to let them go and stop giving power to the mind as I realize I create my exprience of who I am within my mind as thought and energy and so I stop giving power and energy and attention to things that are not real here physical, in the consideration of what is best for all

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to tell others about my beliefs of ghost and the fear I have of them calling my name onto others - through telling them this is so, because I was told this is so, instead of stopping myself from cycling the patterns of beliefs that have been existing within humanity for generations and generations. I stop the cycle here.

I commit myself to investigating beliefs and ideas within the Minds of Humanity to see if they have any actual physical substance to them - or if they are just religious or spiritual ideas that have been told over and over again to keep humans busy in their minds of ideas of what is what

I commit myself to stop distracting myself with ideas and beliefs in my mind of ghosts and negative entities and focus on this physical reality as a physical being that is here - sorting out myself and this world to start directing it within what is best for all

I commit myself to stop participating in the generations that came before me belief systems that I see do not support what is best for all - but only support superstition and fear within human beings, thus I walk as the breath and this physical body equal and one with this physical reality to once and for all sort out what is here as me/as this world - to create a world that is best for all where we do not exist within ideas of what's on the 'other side' as we will live in full awareness of ourselves here.

I commit myself to stop giving value and power to the mind as thoughts and ideas given to me by others - I see for myself what is real and particiapte in only that - committing myself to stop the participating/existence within the illusion reality of the mind as beliefs.


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