2012:DIP into the Delusions of "Love will Change the World"

In the past – I participated within the Secret and the Law of Attraction and within this, believed ‘Love’ would conquer all things. I really actually believed Love would change this world and could change individuals – yet it was never within actual physical ways – it was based on an ‘idea’ and ‘feeling’ you had to posses to be ‘good’ and ‘lovely’ to others – within this, believe others would experience the ‘presence of love’ and change themselves. I never considered who I was within the Mind – how thoughts generate feelings and never dared to see within self honest my starting point for desiring the ‘feeling of love’ as a solution to this world.

Within my starting point – I thought being “Love” was an easy solution. I did not have to take responsibility for myself, I just had to ‘feel good and share it with others’. I did not have to investigate my inner reality as the Mind – as through this idea of “Love being the answer to change the worlds’ I was in complete submission to myself as the Mind –accepted it and never questioned it. Just like I accepted the Mind and not being at all aware of who I was as the Mind, I accepted this world the way it was. I did not question how the Current Money system is the actually source/cause/origin of the many atrocities that people have to experience in this World – I did not consider creating a New Economic System – I just accepted the System as it was, and attempted to find my happiness within it. So to be – It was a bonus to be able to think, the world is fine the way it is, I don’t have to change anything within it – and I am fine the way I am – I just have to ‘feel love’ and thus – that will create change in this world. Fuck – how delusional… and ignorant. As Love never created any sort of change, as apparently is has been around for so long, and the world is getting worse.

So what I have realized within the desire for ‘love to change the world’ – it actually supports acceptance of the System, and accepted of Self as the Mind – as there is no self responsibility for who self has been and why or how… no awareness/seeing into that Secret Reality within myself where I converse to myself as my thoughts – where I am always within judgment of another, and always attempting to be ‘right’. Within this Mind I can see even how I used Love as spite – where I defined myself as superior to others for my knowledge of ‘love will change all things’ and said, don’t worry – you will see. I wont waste my time on your ‘negativity’.

So here within this point of Love – I am looking at the thoughts: “Love will change the World” and “Love is the Solution to this World” and “Love will conquer all things”

So within these thoughts, I can see that I was attempting and trying to find a solution to myself and to this world – and then just accepted what I have gained through knowledge and information to be ‘Love is the Answer”, like all I had to do was Be love, share love… when it’s like how do one actually practically, physical do that? It’s just an idea with no substance, and thus left for a flighty experience with no practical guidelines.

So some feelings within this point were: Desire to have a better experience of myself within this world, Desire to change the world. Felt better within believing all I had to do was ‘share the love’ and this would change the world. Also – feelings of being superior to others as I ‘knew’ the secret to changing ourselves and this world = Love.

Also – within this point, the acceptance of the World System without questioning what it is actually creating in this world – acceptance of myself as a Mind that ‘feels’ better when thinking about things that I justify with my own ideas and beliefs – not investigating what is real and practical in this world, thus submitting myself to my mind and to this world system as a whole.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to seek a solution to this world – separate from me here through an idea and a feeling of Love

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept and submit to the knowledge and information within this world that suggested “love will change the world” without ever investigate ways to practically live this or how it can be actually real within this physical reality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire Love as the Solution to this world – as then I did not have to be self responsible for myself within changing myself – I only had to ‘feel good’ as I defined Love to ‘feel good’ and thus believed this was a solution to this world – when this is not real in this physical reality for all – thus not a real solution in this world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept Love as being the answer to changing this world within the belief that if I ‘be love’ and ‘share love’ with others – then I am changing myself and this world – without ever investigating who I am within the secret mind of thoughts/feelings/emotions, and thus accepted the no guideline of how to practically live love as what is best for all in this world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define Love as a Solution to this world – without realizing that Love do not feed people nor does is give people water, nor does it give people homes – it simply creates ignorance within people to not see how the Current Economic System is what is causing the desire for solutions in this world and we see what is here should not be accepted, yet we have not considered investigate real solutions, that places us into self responsibility to change this world physical – not just with an idea of how to ‘be’ within this world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within ignorance within believing Love will Change the World because within this – I accepted the World Systems the way they were and did not dare question whether they are best for all or not as I see/realize/understand that what is Best for All is Equality for All – living standards for all that are best for all and thus realizing this is Real Love in this World as it is a Physical Change – providing for all, instead of believing I just have to find my happiness and place within the current system and do not dare change what is here as myself or this world, but just accept it and find my place within it

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within self interest within the belief that Love will Change the world as I then turned the cheek to the current state of the world and not investigate real solutions that would be best for everyone, I simply settled for what I believed was best for me and that was the desire to feel good and thus believe love is what made me feel good and then accepting this as a solution to myself and this world – when simply I was within self interest to have a good life only for myself and did not consider others that are here as me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept Love as a Feeling – not realizing these feelings were generated through my Mind as thoughts that exist only within self interest as I am always seeking to find better ways for myself, how to be happy, how to experience joy – how to have contemptment for only me and within this believing that if I had this – then it would cause others to have this as well, as they would magically pick up how I was experiencing myself and choose to live the same way – without seeing the absolute delusion within this as this does not actual practical, physical change anything in this world, as I was still in acceptance of this economic system that I now realize is the cause/source/origin of the many abuse that is taken place against life

Thus =I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize how to practically, physically change this world and submit myself to the idea of Love – as this idea had been around for so long and believed that it was a solution – not seeing how money and it’s value in this world to be more then life is was is causing the separating and abuse within this world – to all forms of life, and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that real Love in this world would to be changing the current economic system to one that supports all life to be here.

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowing myself to within my belief of Love being the answer to change this world – accept myself as the Mind I am within existing in a separate reality where I only consider myself and my pursuit of happiness and bliss and do not see the One true Reality as this Earth and what is currently manifested within/as it/ Instead I desire to not have to be responsible within seeing who I was and what I was participating within/supported and instead accepted the current state of the world to be humanity lacking love, instead seeing the real cause of this world – humans within separate realities within their minds that do not consider real life on this earth and within this accept the current system that allows life to suffer and so within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to support life to suffer within my ignorance and disregard for this physical reality and instead believing in my illusionary reality of the mind where I desire to ‘feel good’ and thus accepted on love as a feeling to be the way to change this world – without seeing Love for Real and how it can be lived to Change this World – for real, physically for all

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see/define myself as superior to others who did not realize ‘love was the answer’ and defined anyone who portrayed any kind of ‘negativity’ from my perspective – was not worth my time and thus inferior to me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use Love as a reason to abuse others within my mind through seeing them separate form me as they did not see the same solution I did as Love being what will change this world – Instead of realizing that if Love as an idea or feeling or state of being was an actual solution to this world – we would not see the current suffering that is currently manifested

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within hope and waiting for Love to be the change I want to see in this world – believing if I believed in love – love would be created in this world – instead of realizing ideas and beliefs have no real physical impact in this world, as I can see from the Hippie Movement of the 70s where Love did not conquer all things – it only conquered humans into submitting themselves into acceptance of this world and their mind, thus not investigate real solutions to this world such as becoming responsible for stopping the separate reality of the mind and sorting out themselves to get back to this real reality and changing the current system that currently supports and create abuse and separation here

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymeslf to define love as a feeling

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love as a state of being

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love as an experience

I forgive myself that I Have never allowed myself to realize/see/understand what love is a phsycial reality within myself and within this one reality we all share

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowing myself to define love as separate from me as a feeling I have to reach for and create within myself – instead of seeing it as who I am here = equal and one with all that is here as the same physical substance in which I am, thus living this realization through standing equal to and one with all that is here as this physical reality, stopping the mind of separation of judgments and attempt to be superior

When and as I see myself existing within my mind as self interest, participating in thoughts of judgment and separation to/towards others – I stop and I breathe, and I bring myself back here to myself within/as the awareness of what is real as the physical body in which I am within realizing the substance that I am is equal to and one with all that is here as this physical reality/physical substance, and thus I allow myself to live this realization through breathing with/as my physical body – equal to and one with all physical bodys and forms that is here, no longer existing within a separate reality, but living equal to and one with the real reality as this physical reality within realizing this is best for all

When and as I see myself accepting knowledge and information such as ideas and feelings to be solutions of this world – that only serve to make me feel better, as within this I don’t have to actually physical change myself, only change ideas about myself and this world – I stop and I breathe and I do allow myself to investigate for real whether ideas and beliefs of this world actually serve what is best for all in this physical reality and thus commit myself to find real solutions that do in face assist and support the changing of this current physical reality into what is best for all

When and as I see myself accepting the current state of the world, human beings within it, the current economic system, and all systems of this world – I stop and I breathe and realizing this is was enslaves me to not actually physically changing myself or this world – and thus I commit myself to question every being, every system, every way of thinking and every belief system to see if it is in fact best for all or only serving and perpetuating the current state of the world of separation and abuse

When and as I see myself accepting myself as who I am as the Mind through believing in my thoughts and internal conversations within my mind – I stop and I breathe and realize this is not actually who I am for real – as the real me is this physical body, breathing and thus allow myself to live for real as this realization of who I really am and thus commit myself to investigate myself and what I have accepted and allowed within myself as separation within he mind of beliefs and self definitions and commit to change myself into being a living being here equal to and one with my physical body as who I really and thus equal to and one with this physical reality as all substance here is equal to and one within/as itself – thus I allow myself to live this realization through breathing – stopping the mind participating and redefining my existence to be that which is best for all within/as equality and oneness


1. Gathering information:

a. Establishing self’s allocation point – I have always defined Love to be a ‘feeling’ or state of being, in which you ‘feel about’ yourself or another or anything. Never actually physical real – just an idea, an attitude, nothing I could tangibly touch in this physical reality. So in essence, it was a belief in a feeling that I experienced to/towards something which really was perhaps an addiction to feeling good

b. Dictionary Definition –
[luhv] Show IPA noun, verb, loved, lov•ing.
1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, asfor a parent, child, or friend.
3.sexual passion or desire.
4.a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person;sweetheart.
5.(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection,or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
EXPANDverb (used with object)
15.to have love or affection for: All her pupils love her.
16.to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for(another person).
17.to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in: to lovemusic.
18.to need or require; benefit greatly from: Plants love sunlight.
19.to embrace and kiss (someone), as a lover.

b. Sounding the word – Love – well Love backwards/in reverse is Evol – and sounds like Evil.. and I can see through walking this point how Love is in fact Evil as it simply accept what this world is without questioning it and supports humans to exist in ignorance and self interest as their own pursuit of happiness – without taking into consideration the rest of Humanity and the Rest of the world. So love is in fact Evil in this world as Love is not Lived by Humans = if it were, we would not have/accept/support/exist within/as a System that supports Inequality and valuing Profit more then life – Life would be Equal for All thus All life would be supported to Live.

2. Investigate the information of the word that has been gathered

Does the definition within the different aspects that you have gathered as information of the word, carry a polarity charge (is it made ‘good’/’positive’ or ‘bad’/’negative’)?

This can be determined by looking at:
• Your own personal experience with this word
-I always accepted the word Love to be a feeling or idea or state of being. When I was a child, I recall asking my mom what this word was, Love, because I always heard it is songs and wondered why people would sing about it all the time. I could never place it into physical terms, it was only ever ideas about what love was and within this acceptance of it being a feeling to/towards someone/something… so existing within only my mind as thoughts and ideas/beliefs.

• How you have interpreted the word as ‘good’/’positive’ or ‘bad’/’negative’
-Positive/good – because within this I defined it as a feeling, a feeling I wanted to experience, as it was like good energy, a good feeling. As if I was experiencing something real – yet within this definition I can see a polarity, because for Love to be Good – we have to have the opposite to define it as such, hence Evil and ‘bad’.
So it was something I wanted to experience and defined as something ‘good/positive’ as how someone should feel/experience themselves, and within that believed it would change the world

• What associations do you have with the word? A Feeling generated through the mind as ‘bliss’ and ‘enjoyment’ where I feel good about the idea of what love is through defining it as a good thing. Love as a feeling towards someone or something and so feeling attachment and thus the idea of being complete as apparently ‘love’ exists between me and another.

• Do you feel better or worse when you are using or experiencing this word? Better – as I usually find myself saying it with ‘I love this” or “I love that” or “I love you” – so it’s like an excitement energy of ‘having’ something or ‘enjoying’ something separate from me here. Because this experience of ‘love’ is always projected onto/to/towards something or someone else – never here as me as an expression of myself.

Self Forgiveness on the word

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define the word love as an energetic experience within myself as a feeling generated through the mind as thoughts of wanting to feel ‘good’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymelf to define love as something you feel to/towards another person or another thing, seprate form me here

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define the word love as a polarity of positive/good and thus separating myself as the definition of the word through defining it within a polarity of ‘good/bad and positive/negative’ instead of allowing myself to realize love is a living action as equality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define the word love as a state of being within the ideas of what love is as feelings – instead of finding ways to live it for real as who I am here, instead of just unsubstantial thoughts and ideas about what love is as a feeling/experience

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love as something I find with/in another separate form me here and thus desire to have this experience in believing it is not here as me, and seeking outside of myself for it in another/something else and thus separating myself from the word love as me and believing I am complete and fulfilled if I find it in another or something outside of myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel better when expressing the word love because I believe when doing so – I have achieved something great as an experience of myself, yet I have only separated myself from myself as love through defining it as a feeling I must achieve from something outside of myself thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love as an experience of a feeling separate for me here that I must get from something outside of myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to as a child wonder what love was because of hearing it within songs and accept the definition giving to me by others as being a feeling projected onto others separate from me here – instead of realizing within myself who I am in relation to all here as equality and oneness and thus realizing this is real love – equality and oneness as the substance I am equal to and one with all that is here

I delete these definitions and stand clear within and as the word LOVE – removing the polarity of positive charge and allow the word to be innocent without memories or beliefs or ideas within it that do not support me or what is best for all

3. New definition

a. Creative writing: Love is a way of being – physical in this world within the realization that who I am as the physical body I am is equal to and one with all physical bodies/forms here as we are of/as the same source – the earth and thus real love is to live this realization through being here as the breath equal to and one with my physical body that is equal to and one with the body of all as this earth… and thus real love is standing equal to/as my physical body through breathing = seeing/living all as my living equals of/as the same source/substance. Real love is creating myself into a being that lives equality and oneness as myself and thus directing myself within this world to create a sustainable system that is best for all, one that honors and supports all life to be here equally.

b. Writing the definition:

New definition: Love is walking/breathing here equal to and one with my physical body as the substance that is equal to and one with all that is here as the physical substance manifested. Love is walking the realization of what is best for all is the living reality of equality and oneness and thus changing myself to live within these principles of stopping the separate reality of the mind and getting into the physical reality through breathing here, that is equal and one within all and thus creating a system (equal Money) that is best for all within supporting all to physical live here as this is the real reality and is equal for all. Love is honoring all as myself equal and one as me thus giving to another what I would like to receive.

4. Checking the definition

a. Is there a polarity in the definition that I have assigned to the word?
Answer: no

b. Can I stand by this definition of the word eternally?
Answer: yes
c. Does the definition that I wrote represent what the word means?
Answer: yes


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