Day 18 - Living the Correction is what Creates the Change

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make a commitment to myself and then not walk the correction within realizing this is dishonesty and how I abuse myself in such a way I do not trust myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use ‘I cannot trust myself’ as a way to judge myself and keep myself from standing within the correction I have committed myself to live

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself for when I have fallen within points I could have corrected through the commitments I have made to myself – yet did not and then go and judge myself for it creating then a resistance to walking through the correction – this time for self

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use resistances as an excuse to give up on myself within commitments I Have made to myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to design myself in such a way where I resist actually living in ways that support me to change – to expand – to grow and to become the change I want to see in this world and instead have accepted myself as a mind that resists self supports that support me as life and use this as an excuse to give up on myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give up on myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow moments of gifts as correction to pass me by – not realizing it is in these moments I only compound the self judgments and self dishonesty that then make it harder for me in the next moments to stand back up

I forgive myself that I Haven’t yet allowed myself to walk/live/stand within every moment as the gift to change myself through pushing through resistances of correcting myself within the commitments I have made

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself as useless for not allowing myself to correct myself in moments where I see I have committed myself to walking self honesty

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear the moments I did not allow myself to stand up within correction as the commitment I made

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fear myself within time as the moments I have allowed myself to fall within the correction of the commitments I have made

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe because I allowed myself to not correct myself once – that I am doomed and it is over for me and there is no use for me to continue… I stop the fear of the Mind and remain here breathing as life as this is where I begin my process of directing myself as the principle that is best for all

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give my power away to my mind as the thoughts of judgments and resistances and believing I will ‘never make it’ – I stop the limiting back chat of the mind that constantly tells me I can’t… I will myself to live – to move – to apply – to breathe

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have given my authority away to my mind as resistance and self judgment

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow the me of the past direct me as the me here as the moment as the breath of life – I live new each moment within realizing every moment is constant, here and thus I am constant here and within this the gift of life as self directive

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge these self forgiveness as if I am not actually directing myself – judging myself as not looking at the actual point – when seeing the mind is here to distract me – to misguide me as I have my whole life allowed it to guide me within the cage of small spaces as the comfort zone I believe I am safe within

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give up on myself as life through accepting myself as the limited space of the mind

When and as I see myself judging myself for not correcting myself in moments where I see I could have – I stop and I breathe within realizing judging mysel ffor what I did not do does not assist and support me within the moment to do that which I can now – and so I stop the self judgments for who I was and what I allowed in the past – and use it as motivation for me to do it again – stand back up and stop allowing the mind to direct me in moments as the gift of correction as it presents itself

When and as I see myself not walking through moments as a correction of myself of the commitments I have made – I stop and I breathe – and I see what I have allowed in the past and how I no longer accept and allow this of myself as this is allowing the mind as reistance and fear of change to direct me – I do not accept this and thus I breathe through directing and moving myself to walk through the gift of correction and this is the final stake in the system of myself I have accepted and allowed

When and as I see myself allowing myself to give power to resistance through accepting it an an excuse to not walk through moments of correction – I stop and I breathe and I give myself back the power of myself as life wherein I once and for all in my life decide who I am – and I decide to live – to be life within considering all that is here as this physical reality that I am apart of and thus I correct myself through no allowing the mind to direct me to give up on myself – I gift myself with life through changing myself as the commitments I Have made in order to correct myself into the living expression of what is best for all

I commit myself to walk through moments of correction that present themselves to me that I Have allowed myself to get to through the self forgiveness and self commitments I have made – seeing this as the path I have paved for myself to walk through the door to once and for all free myself from the power I have given to my mind. I take back directive principle in walking through the correction I have commitment myself to live

I commit myself to stop allowing resistances as an excuse to define myself as less then and limited – I stop myself abuse back chat of ‘not able to change’ and realizing change Is here as me and it only takes me to live this change through correcting myself as the door I must walk through to once and for all rid myself of the ego of separation

I commit myself to slowing myself down – to breathe in every moment – to see what I am accepting and allowing and to allow myself to gift of seeing the correction I am able to live as each breath

I commit myself to stop listening to the voices in my head as the thoughts I have believed to me be – I live me here for real as life as the breath


  1. cool Kristina! i was writing just yesterday how fuckin' 'persuasive' back-chat tends to be, when in fact it's just automated and repeating, so how come it's so 'difficult' to recognize we're playing the same all-boom over and over? it's really time we take all measures and train ourselves in effective stopping. Breath Here. should be enough. after all, it's who we are.
    thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes - how tricky we have designed ourselves within self sabotaging ourselves to remain limited within automation. Breathing is Key - stopping is a must - cool we are Here, in support of Each Other!


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