Day 21 - Confidence: Another and Me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel threatened by another and their motivation within their actions and thus try to diminish them within defining them as irrelevant and react any time they suggests anything to me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see another as confident within their actions within specific work and thus feel inferior within this point and thus instead of standing equal as expressiong/living myself as self confidence – feel inferior and try to diminish them as I feel diminished within myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to project my own inferiority within confidence onto another instead of taking responsibility for myself in how I see myself as not confident

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself as not a confidant person

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define not being confident with being weak

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react to others that I see as being confident within themselves and instead of supporting myself to live this as myself, instead go into my mind and attempt to bring them down to where I have perceived myself to be as inferior to them as confidence

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I cannot be confidant

I forgive myself that I Havent allowed myself to realize that confidance is a point of self expression as the living word wherein I am living who I really am as the confidance of the living statement that ‘I am Here’ and thus I am confidant in whatever I do as I trust myself to move myself and educate myself and expand myself within/as life

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe within defining myself as not confidant, that I can never be confidant, as if this self definition has been written in stone, instead of realizing it has only been accepted within my mind as ego as self definition and thus I am able to redefining who I am as Life and thus I allow myself to live the word as an expression of who I am as confidence

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define the word confidence as being superior

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from the word confidence defining it within the polarity of inferior/superior and believe the word represents superiority

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to live who I am as life as every breath and the expression of confidence, knowing that I am directing myself within who I am in every moment to ensure I create the outcome of what is best for all life

When and as I see myself seeing others as more confident then me – I stop and I breathe and realize that this is a point I Have not yet allowed myself to live and express as who I am and thus I stop projecting myself onto others – and allow myself to see the gift the other is showing me – that I have not yet allowed myself to live confidence, and thus I allow myself to live confidence

When and as I see myself accepting the self definition of not being confident – I stop and I breathe and realize this is a self limitation and thus I allow myself to expand within myself in pushing myself to live that which I have believed I cannot – such as confidence.

I commit myself to live the word confidence within the definition of what is best for all – a living statement of who I am here, confident that I will direct myself as life and create and sustain life that is best for all – ensuring equality and oneness is realized as myself and thus all as me

I commit myself to stop blaming others for what I Have not yet taking responsibility for within myself

I commit myself to live that which I see in others that I have not yet allowed myself to live as me


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