Day 28 - Positive = Negative

Looking back throughout my Life - I saw this world wasn't 'right', meaning something was off. Why was there so much pain and suffering? Why was I asking 'who am I' and "what is my purpose" - why didn't Humans know who they are and where they are? And so, I was on a search my whole Life, always looking outside of myself to find the 'answer'. I 'thought' I found it through spirituality - believed we could change the experience of ourselves to be 'only good', meaning I just had to feel good and I would create good. I believed this to be true for the world as well, that the reason the world was so 'negative' was because we as humans were 'negative' and we just needed to tune into better feelings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe the world is negative because humans are negative

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe positivity is real and negativity is the illusion

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define the world as polarity and within that believe I had the 'free will' to choose which side of it I wanted to be on

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept the 'negative' within this world through accepting it as I accepted positivity, not question it and only seek to experience the positivity

I forgive ymself for accepting and allowing ymself to define and accept life as polarity and not see/realize/understand that one cannot exist without the other so within this I forgive myself for accepting and allwoing myself to support polarity within this world through accepting the negative and the positive

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to never question why life was polarizied.. why some were beautiful and some were ugly, why there was love and hate, why some had lots of money and some suffered without it

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I just had to change the experience of myself through denying the negative and feeling only positiveness in order to change my reality and the greater reality we all share

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear the negative and thus desire the positive

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept those that suffer in this world through justifying it within the statement that they are within negative frequencies - instead of seeing/realizing/understanding that the current economic system is what is cause the polarity of 'haves and have nots"

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not care about those within the 'negative' of this reality - and focus on the people who were 'positive' in fear of creating negative in my reality

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymelf to define this world as positive when this physical reality - the truth of what is actually here - reveals to me there is no such thing as beauty, love or compassion

I forgive ymself for accepting and allowing myself to never realize that in order to change this reality - I have to become responsible for myself within this reality and walking myself within the direction of creating a system that is best for all - realizing this is the only way, as wishful thinking and positive thinking does not create change, the generations have been showing this over and over again

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe despite the evidence, that positive thinking will create a better reality - instead of seeing/realizing/understand that is required is self responsible humans beings willing to stand up for those on the 'negative side of the coin' in being their voice to those lost in delusions of a beautiful world and create a system of support for all life

I forgive myself that never allowed myself to realize that change happens within the physical reality - not the mental reality of illusions

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to beleive that changing my thoughts will change the world - and never questioning where these thoughts come from thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to accept myself within my separate reality of the mind where I can think about anything that has no real substantial effect on the physical reality when it comes to change - thus I stop the illusions of the mind and take responsibility in the physical, as the physical

I commit myself to bringing myself back to earth - back to this physical reality and stand up within in, within myself to create change within who I am and within this world with an Equal Money System

I commit myself to stopping the beliefs of the mind that tell me I do not have to take responsibility for this world - and I become self responsible for all life here - realizing I am equal as one

I commit myself to exposing how spirituality and positive thinking has never been a solution to this world and only perpetuates the current state of humanity which is fear of survival and seeking self interest

I commit myself to walk physical change in this world to be an example of what one is able to do within self honesty and self responsibility

I commit myself to be the change I want to see in this world - Practically, Physically, and for All life Equal as One


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