Day 719 (Day 22 of 30) - Standing Equal to Innocence, All is Forgiven
I had noticed how during this time, after giving birth, my self-forgiveness felt more substantial, so much so I mentioned this to my partner. I felt more in my body, more present, and the points I was walking through with self-forgiveness seemed to be of more substance.
In this one particular moment/day I was applying self-forgiveness, I don't recall the specific point that I was opening up but I will never forget the line of self-forgiveness that was (one of) my most precious realizations.
The self-forgiveness was for thinking/believing I needed to be forgiven in the first place - within this - the realization that I was born innocent and subject to circumstances, belief systems, environments, past generations, and all the things that shaped and molded me into who I was and what accepted and allowed.
I am innocent.
I did nothing wrong. I wasn't bad, I wasn't in trouble, I was simply programmed yet born pure and innocent.
In this moment, I saw, realized, and understood this was true for literally every single human being on Earth.
Every human being. No exception.
Those we deem as corrupt, evil, or fucked up. They were an innocent creation brought forth into this world. They were created to be the way they are. They are innocent.
I stopped writing and sat back to grasp the realization I just witnessed.
All beings were born innocent. All were sweet, innocent babies born fresh and new into this world and subject to some condition that made them conditional beings.
All were innocent.
All ARE innocent.
And in this moment, all was forgiven for me. As I forgave myself for accepting and allowing myself to think and believe I was so evil I needed forgiveness, I saw, realized, and understood no one needed to be forgiven because all was forgiven.
It was understood - everyone was subject to something that made them accept a lesser version of themselves and to not care about their world because they were taught to not care about themselves.
All are doing the best they can from where they are based on the environment in which they were raised.
I also realized within this how much I held against the world for "being the way it is" without seeing, realizing, and understanding that, like a child born innocent, it was simply expressing based on how it was designed/programmed. The world, the system at play, everything was also doing as it was programmed/conditioned to exist and so from my perspective, was also innocent and without the need for forgiveness.
This moment changed so much for me - I saw everything/everyone in a new light and proceeded to direct myself and my life much differently than what I was previously accepting and allowing.
I felt lighter, freer, and more eager to Live.
And it's still a point I practice/aim to live each day.
I have more to share on this Innocence point so will do so in blogs to come.
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