Day 712 (Day 15 of 30) - That One Point

Let's continue with the redefining and living process of the word SPECIAL. 

The sounding stage... this one has been in me for days. 

The Spec in All.

I am the speck in all. 


Spesh all. 

Bless all. 


Space all


There is enough room for everyone and everything to be special. 

The speck in all. This is like the light within each one. The spark of Life. the Source/Cause/Origin of all. The God that is in All. 

Not special - literally the same thing, that point that is us as ONE. What we all come from, what we all return to. The light that gives life to everything. The eternal flame, the point of equality and oneness. That One Principle. The One Directive. All as One as Equal. 

That one Point. 

There is no getting around that one point. 

There is only one point.

And everything stems from that One Point.

We are One and the Same. 

Special-ness is to get specific with who one is AS all that is - as the ONE point that is everything. 

This is a very cool point... in looking to redefine and live the word special as a point of embracing my uniqueness and my way of expressing and being and sharing, the SOUND reveals the One point that is the same for all. The speck in all. 

What do we call this one point in all? Life? God? Awareness? Here? Sound? Light? 

Speck? lol

A couple of years ago, after the birth of my son, Phoenix, I started expanding my process of self-discovery. I began a regular practice of meditation, and every day, when I would sit down to practice breathing and focusing within/as my body, visions/experiences would come up. 

One was I was going deep within the ocean... and surrounding me was only space and depth and nothingness/blackness. It was expansive and slightly terrifying because it was accompanied by that experience of going deep underwater... that thick silence/stillness. To me it was me going deep within myself - to the center of myself like the center of the ocean. 

Another time I saw this point within me, a light... this teeny-tiny point that was so specific, so sharp, so exact... like this point that was "exactly the point" and writing this now, I realize it looked like what a star in the sky looks like.

I saw it as "the point" or "my point" or like me as the "specific point I am". 

I suppose that is the speck within all. The one point that exists within all - Life. The eternal, infinite, and ever-flowing (not quite the word I'm looking for) opening (also not quite the word I'm looking for) life/sound/point.

Another time I saw within me this fountain of water that sprang like a natural spring/well and it was eternal. The water of life flowing within me. 

Whatever it is, whatever we are, whatever is going on... I am here for it. I trust Life and I trust that speck in it all. 

I will continue in blogs to come. 


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