Day 710 (Day 13 of 30) - Self-Specialized
Oooooh, I'm excited about this blog.
The title came up first, earlier in the day, as I was looking at continuing with the redefinition process of the living word Special.
In the previous blog, I looked at how I lived the word previously/how it has been defined within myself and my life. It was quite revealing as I realized there was this awareness within/as me all of my life that knew who I really was, deep within, locked away, but there... always 'there' almost like in waiting. (The key now is to bring it HERE).
So I really enjoyed that last blog and am eager to keep this ball rolling.
Looking today at the definition/etymology/root of the word.
One definition that jumped out at me as the root word for special (looking at the Oxford Online English Dictionary) was having to do with "specific" - "having a close or exclusive connection with a specified person, thing, or set; own; particular; individual.
This jumped out at me because of the word "specific" - I really appreciate this word as the way I see/define life as in everything is specific, this relates to the point of "everything is here" and everything is specific. Nothing is an accident/random or by chance, it's all very specifically here by design. You, your life, those around you, the greater world and system at play... all very specific and revealing to you who you are in all of it.
The point of "having a close or exclusive connection with a specified person..." this also brings up the point of having that connection/relationship with self and how the Desteni Process actually allows one to do that for ourselves, to become so intimately connected to self and the truth of self. The message is clear - you are the cause/source/origin (I kept wanting to write sauce lol like the "secret sauce" - you really are!!) This life is about establishing that clear, exclusive relationship/connection to yourself as Life as All as One as Equal. You are the One that is Equal to All.
Another definition is "in a special manner; especially, particularly. Now rare..."
This brings up the point of how many people really know themselves? How many people know how special they really are? How unique and one-of-a-kind they are and within that, how precious life is? If we did, the world would not be the way it is... we would value life more and treat it as the precious expression of innocence it is. All would be uplifted and gifted Life as we Gift ourselves Life.
Looking now at the etymology of the word via the Online Etymology Dictionary - one definition given is "given or granted in unusual circumstances, exceptional, also specific as opposed to general or common."
Woo, this one I like! Given or granted in unusual circumstances... literally every child that has been born! Including you! Do you know the circumstances that took place for you to be birthed into this world? The odds that were against that even happening? And then going back to "everything is specific" - was your birth an accident? Random? By chance? Or is everything specific and the life you're living is so fucking special and if we all realized that about ourselves, we would transform the world?
Imagine if all deemed themselves as the special, rare, unique, and beating-all-odds precious beings of life they were. How would that change the way you now approach your life and the world?
Also the point of special meaning "individual" - truly we are so unique and one-of-a-kind, gifting each one of us a glimpse into an expanded version of ourselves. We are so rich in our individuality as each one's unique experience/expression and perspective. No one has lived what another has lived, as the person they are.
Instead, we try to make everyone look at things the same way or agree with how we see the world, instead of finding the gift of what another's unique perspective offers us.
We are individual, special, unique—that is our equal and one value. We are one thing, expressing as a multidimensional thing and the range of contrast, encompassing all of space and time and the paradox of polarity.
Man, we are so blessed.
There is so much to this word... "special interest, special effects" or "person or thing set aside for a particular purpose or occasion."
I know one thing... this process has allowed me to open my eyes to who I really am and the more I look, the more I see and more I am assured of what is here. We are special - each one made to be here. Each one with a specific purpose and gift for the world, and each one, when self-specialized, helps each other one refine who self is, made just for this very particular occasion/point in time.
This is what I see and what I will continue opening up in the days and blogs to come as I continue to redefine this Living Word.
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