Day 704 (7 of 30) - A Grounded View of Ascension
Nothing is really standing out at the moment. So I keep looking while also writing about the process.
Interesting how we can do both things at once. The writing is like waiting for a point. Perhaps I should just pick one.
You know there is a point I want to address but it's more personal and think it would best to walk it for myself privately first. For now - perhaps I will take on another word in the redefining living words process to keep things moving.
I did want to redefine the word ASCENSION because I have read enough books and been a part of enough communities that were asking questions such as "Who am I" and "Why am I here" to know that ascension is a point that is talked about, anticipated, resisted and overall open for discussion because well, it's a word. So why not address it and redefine it into a practical, living expression of life.
So the steps to redefining/living words:
1 - write out your relationship to the word; how you've lived it, how you understand it, the memories associated with it, and whether it's a positive or negative polarity charge within you... all the things within you in relation to ascension. This is like a free writing/ranting session, just get it all out.
2 - sound the word - see what else is HERE by the sound you HEAR. You may be surprised by what opens up.
3 - look at the definition of the word to see the actual definition and expand on how you've come to see/define the word
4 - self-forgiveness for any separation and limitation that exists in relation to that word as how you've defined it
5 - write out a new definition of how you can practically LIVE the word
So... ASCENSION... what is my relationship to it?
Well, as mentioned, I have been hovering around in the spirituality spaces long enough to be familiar with this word in the context of a process one is walking through in this life but more so like walking towards one moment in particular that is the "ascension point." Where in this moment, all will be seen, realized, and understood and you will have shifted to a new reality/paradigm because reality is based on who you are and your level of awareness/understanding so the more you expand into knowing who you are for real, then the more your reality will change/transform.
I have also heard it in the context of something people are seeking to get away from their life - like an escape plan or a way to exist in hope and waiting for something better, meanwhile completely disregarding how empowered they are now to do something different in their life.
I've kind of been everywhere with this point... something to aspire to because "where I am" isn't what I really want and also letting go of the idea/concept completely because it seemed irrelevant. And then finding myself understanding it a bit more from a more practical/grounded view as a process of actually standing up (ascending) within oneself and realizing/remembering who one is and the power one holds.
I want to go off script here at the moment and just look up the definitions and etymology of the word so let's do that....
So there is definitely some deep religious programming with the word's definition as it represents the "ascent of Christ" - but honestly, for as much flack as I've seen this word get, or for how much it's been used to escape, this word seems so very grounded and practical to me in terms of it's definition and of what is actually going on on Earth.
People are waking up - people are starting to question and consider what's really going on. People are directing themselves to change and become better versions of themselves. People are becoming more considerate and compassionate and clear about how they've been programmed and how to end the sins of the fathers. People are becoming aware.
This world is in the midst of ascension because more and more people are seeing more and more of the world and realizing more and more what really matters.
Even though it seems more wild and crazy, deceptive and greedy, more disastrous and chaotic... look at the individual interactions you have every day and tell me what you see.
I see people becoming more reflective, more willing to make changes, and willing to take responsibility for their lives.
I see everyone waking up and deciding who they want to be and what kind of world they want to live in.
I see Heaven Here already and it's simply we who must decide to embody and live the truth that we are the ones to create that ascent to the higher view/expanding awareness of ourselves.
I will leave you with a dream I had when I first came across the Desteni Message, tools, and process over 15 years ago... I was walking around outside and there were a lot of people around me. I was in a park/schoolyard-type setting and there was a fence in the dream. A chain-link fence. Then I noticed a very large bubble of water floating down from the sky and as soon as it touched the tip of a head (I want to say it was mine but I don't specifically recall) - the water bubble popped and water spilled onto everyone. In that moment, all woke up. We, in that instant, all started to see with real eyes, and we were hugging each other - seemingly perfect strangers just moments before, were now embracing as if we had been a part for ages and we cherished and loved each other so much.
To me this is ascension. This is what we are actually heading to, what we are actually busy with - there is a point to all of this and it's to remember/realize who we are as all as one as equal and in that remembering/realization - the love, care, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness that will pour out of us will be the life-affirming expression that is who we really are. Our utmost potential as life.
That is what ascension is to me, and that is what is happening currently on Earth.
All walking their very specific and personal process within themselves to come into the full realization of who they are for real - As All as One as Equal.
I guess I needed to divert from the structure of the redefining words process, which is the fun part of life when you get to play, get creative, and go with the flow of what's here.
Till tomorrow. There is definitely more to this word/expression.
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