I had to use this title for the blog lol it was simply here.
Because in redefining and living the word STAR, what has opened up for me is this point of embracing more of the uniqueness that is me (that all are) and recognizing that I do have something of value to share - like a sun shining and giving to all, I too (like all do) have something I can give and realizing it's not about fitting in, being recognized, being special/more than others - it's about seeing, realizing, understanding and embodying the knowledge that life is truly remarkable and each point in/as/of existence as life and represents all of life that holds so much value and so to standing equal to that.
Taking the position as the role that I was meant to play which was to become the best version of myself, my utmost potential wherein I am not diming, hiding or denying who I really am which is all life as one.
Another dimension that I saw to the word STAR, from seeing the definition of the word, was this particular one:
a data or communication network in which all
nodes are independently connected to one central unit.
noun: star network; plural noun: star networks
"computers in a star layout"
This one stands out to me because essentially all points in/as/of existence/life, as seemingly separate as we are, are connected and I do see it as being connected to one thing. Or more so made up as different parts of one thing. We are literally just one thing.
I forgot one step in the redefining process of words which is the SOUNDING stage where you sound out the word... see what is here as the word through sounding it out.
S tar
St ar
Standing/shining as the star of/as my life as the one point in which is responsible for all that is - expressing the unique and special gifts I am, and I have, as all are unique and special with something life-giving to share, and so being a visible, living example of the utmost expression of/as life on Earth.
Then, the question to ask to ensure this word I redefined into a LIVING word is not rooted in separation and could cause harm to anything/one... can it stand as what is best for all for all of eternity? Does it consider what is best for all life?
I say yes.
What a fun process to kick off this 30 days of blogging.
This process opened up so many dimensions for me to look at and reflect on and reminded me why this process, specifically referring here to the Desteni process, is so effective because it encourages one to expand in their awareness and consideration of what is here.
I am feeling spacious and eager to keep this blogging journey going. I have had some ideas for different series of blogs I can do so also grateful for opening up this creative tap to let this expression flow.
Thanks for being here and walking with.
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