685: A Perfect Opportunity to Align with Life


January 17, 2021

Tonight my partner asked me to assist him with a drawing he was doing - I was to be the model posing for him so he had a subject to draw. 

I really did not want to do it. I had worked all day, I was tired, we just finished eating... I just wanted to do "my stuff" for a while. I didn't like the idea of sitting there and not being able to look at something or read something... basically, I wanted to be able to "do" something while I was sitting there but really he just needed me to sit there. 

I did it despite really not wanting to do it. I dragged my feet all the way to his studio. 

Once I sat down I realized what a wonderful opportunity I had before me to sit and just breathe. BREATHING is what I could do. And it was awesome because I have been listening to an Eqafe bundle about breathing so it was the perfect moment to allow me to do just that... breathe. 

I learned many, many years ago about the importance of breath, with the most simple point of it being a point of you being aware of your actual life force. Breath is what sustains your life at the most foundational level and so being aware of your breath is being aware of yourself as LIFE. And how often do we run around this Life without having any clue we are breathing at all. 

Breathing is taught to calm yourself down, to give yourself space to reconsider actions and words, to let go of certain things. Breathing is an amazing tool and has been crucial for my own process of grounding and stabilizing in the past 11+ years. 

What I'm learning again recently is that while it may be impossible at this stage to be aware of yourself in every moment of your breath. the point is to start PRACTICING your breathing in these moments of opportunity when they present themselves. Such as sitting for your partner so he can do a drawing. Or watching television or taking a bath or sitting on the bus, or driving or cooking dinner or listening to a podcast or going to sleep. We have so many moments in our day where we have the opportunity to actually ALIGN with our actual life force! 

This is also a cool point for considering my last few blogs/days where I have been facing this separation I've created in relation to my body where I have oh so much limited the reality of what my body actually is to being that of only an image. When in fact it's alive. It's what GIVES me life through/as the breath. And I can be actively participating in that process of giving myself life - I can stand WITH my body and support myself within my own body to breathe. That's a pretty awesome point - standing EQUAL to and ONE with my physical body. 

If breath is what and where life is, where am I when I'm not aware of my breathing? We should all know the answer to this. We are running rampant in our minds - creating conflict, casting judgment, forming opinions, and placing ourselves as more or less than others. We are quite busy when we are not breathing and I can't help but wonder what humans could be if they started breathing just a little bit more. 

How many arguments, stress, worry, bickering, blaming, victimizing, fear could be prevented? If we just allowed ourselves some time in the day to stop and breathe and just be. Be here with the body, with the breath, with ourselves as life.

So it was a cool moment for me tonight. I resisted just "sitting there" but when I changed my perspective and realized that OPPORTUNITY I had to be with my body, observe myself, my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, I was nurturing my self-awareness, my self-presence, and my ability to DIRECT myself in such moments. I was nurturing my Life.

Thanks, Andrew for making me pose for your drawing. And thanks Kelly for sharing the Eqafe Bundle about Breathing. And thanks Desteni for providing me the education of a lifetime. And thank you body for BREATHING for me when I am not present and for allowing me to stand WITH  you when I do join in the process. I commit to more moments of standing WITH you, body/breath/LIFE. 

Artwork by: Kelly Posey

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