678: Why I Avoid Interacting with Others

May 20, 2020 Here I share some self-forgiveness on a point I see within me of wanting to "keep my distance" and avoid interacting with too many people. If I had it "my" way, it was be just me and my partner and our dog hazel and I wouldn't have to spend time with anyone else. Not because I don't like others but because I often have lots of reactions when around others - insecurities, comparisons, competition, judgments, uncertainty, paranoia even... it's a mess that I'd rather avoid. Though - the avoidance is actually me accepting a limitation within myself, defining myself as these reactions because in not changing them, I am saying "this is who I am" and that is a person in fear and conflict and separation of others? Obviously not my full potential so some dismantling of this must happen... I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that the reason I have in a way isolated myself through...