499: Who is Responsible for the Condition and Health of Your Body?

Today I was again looking at more dimensions in relation to being sick. My partner Andrew got sick last week, and I remember having the thought, "I hope he doesn't get me sick!"  I wanted to speak these words to him, but I saw in the moment that that statement wasn't really valid in a way, and I would only be speaking my mind, rather than within awareness. Though there was a reaction to the idea of speaking it as well - I didn't want to speak the statement in thinking I would create it for myself. So I actually in turn suppressed the thought/belief, within fear, and didn't say anything about it. It's like tuck it way, force it down, don't look at it and somehow it no longer exists or has an effect?

So that is what I was looking at today, how we think preventing certain words can prevent certain consequence, yet without realizing our thoughts are words as well... it's just a different dimensions of manifestation. The statement still existed within me, even though I didn't verbally express it. The belief/idea that 'someone else can get me sick by being sick' is something I think is true, and it showed me that within the fact that it was coming up in my mind.

As I was applying self-forgiveness for this belief/idea, I realized more and more how much we abdicate the responsibility we have to our bodies, and the state or well being of our bodies. We so easily say "you are sick, and could give me YOUR sickness" instead of considering perhaps how our own participation within ourselves/mind/body, and without as our daily living, creates the conditions with which we can get sick.

We blame others for being sick, we blame viruses, bacteria, germs for getting us sick, we even blame the weather for making us sick but we never, ever, ever consider how WE, ourselves are completely, and utterly responsible for OUR bodies. Perhaps through accepting that 'it's not us' that is responsible for our own bodies, we create the condition to be susceptible to getting sick... because we've already given our power away. We already believe someone else or something else can get us sick, and so we accept our own enslavement. What if we had directive principle of our bodies? What if we knew how our body was functioning at any given moment? What if we were in communication with our body... each organ, each cell, each atom.. to be able to check in, see how everything is going, see of there are any mis-alignments we've created through our MINDS as emotional reactions, ideas, belief, assumption, self-definitions that we can than forgive and release from ourselves?

That is the important point here... what exists inside of us as our minds (thoughts, feelings, emotions) does have an effect on our physical body... we are in that fully responsible for our bodies and it's condition. Are we conditioning it to be flourishing within it's utmost potential? Or our we neglecting it and even putting that responsibility unto others?

I will leave you with the self-forgiveness from today in relation to this point, as well as a new EQAFE series, perfectly timed in it's release today about this very point. Check it out HERE.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe if someone else is sick around me, I could get sick as well

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to subject myself to other people being sick within the belief that I can "catch" other people sickness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the reason I get sick is because I caught it from other people who were also sick

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to physically move away form someone when I see they are sick, as to say, "You could give me that sickness, I am susceptible, so I will move away in hopes of preventing me from catching what you got!"

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put all responsibility of my physical body's health and well being unto other people, and germs, bacteria, and viruses instead of considering how I am actually responsible in creating perhaps the ripe environment to nurture any sickness or illness within/as my physical body

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be influenced by others being sick through the belief as acceptance that others being sick, and me being around them, is how I actually get sick

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to Andrew being sick, as the thought, "I hope he doesn't get me sick," and to want to speak this belief out loud, but to then stop myself in fear of actually creating it through my words

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear creating my own sickness/illness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe if I don't verbally speak my thoughts, then they don't actually exist and can't manifest as a reality without realizing the thought exists and so is manifested to that degree already where it exists within/as me, and so

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not yet realize that it's not enough to stop my verbal words, but also my mental words as purifying myself as my thoughts/mind to be clear form any ideas, beliefs, definitions, assumptions that are not aligned to me taking/standing in/as absolute self-honesty, and responsibility for who I am and what I participate and create in this world, within me and outside of me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress the statement, "I hope Andrew doesn't get me sick," through fear, instead of forgiving the belief that I can get sick simply from him being sick, and me being around him

I forgive myself that I have not yet accepted and allowed myself to take absolute authority and responsibility of/as my physical body as the me that matters, and ensure what exists within/as my matter is in all ways what is best for all, and so not allowing myself to support enslavement through accepting and allowing myself to be a slave to another's sickness, or to the bacteria, viruses, and germs of this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not yet realize the power within/as being equal to and one with all that is here, as becoming the directive principle of/as myself as equal to and one with all that is here, and so directing myself as all as one as equal as me in the context of what is best for all

When and as I see myself reacting to another person being sick, as the thought "I hope they don't get me sick," I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is just a belief I've accepted within my life that does not actually prove to be real, or true and that just being around someone that is sick does't mean I will get sick, especially if I am directive principle of/as me as the entirety of my physical body. I commit myself to thus take responsibility for my body, and to not think others will get me sick, but rather focus on creating an environment, within and without of myself, that is conducive to a stable environment that supports my utmost potential to flourish rather than dis-ease

When and as I see myself moving away form someone physically when they are sick as if to prevent them from getting me sick, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is living the belief as myself, in trusting that others are the one that get me sick, and not taking responsibility for the fact that it is MY body and what happens within/as me is my responsibility, and moving away form someone is not going to prevent me from getting sick. And so I commit myself to stop living the patterns as beliefs within my mind, and rather investigate what I believe, where I decided to believe what I believe, and to keep only that which is good/best for all, and remove anything that does not support/align with me as being responsible as the directive principle of/as myself of/as my physical body.

I commit myself to aligning myself, as thought, word, and deed to absolute self-awareness of who I am within all moments, as standing within the responsibility I have to me, my body, and my physical life

I commit myself to stop fearing being sick, or getting sick from others realizing that others don't get me sick, I accept and allow sickness as what I manifest within/as my physical body

I commit myself to get to know my body through breathing... slowing myself down throughout my day, standing with/as my physical body as it breathes, encouraging and substantiating that self/body relationship by being present with/as it as much as I can

I commit myself to continue stopping my participation in thoughts, emotions and feelings as the energetic experiences I put my physical body through, and that creates the environment from which I am susceptible to dis-ease

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The Journey to Lifers

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