492: Hate and Blame doesn't Trump Hate and Blame - 30 Days of Blogging - Day 26

The day after the election, and I'm seeing quite the response from people on my social media sites. Mostly hate towards those that voted a certain way - fear and anxiety, and blame. To me, it's the same attitude being expressed projected towards those that project the same thing, that are the target of those now in turmoil over this election. People are upset for hating others, and blaming them for voting for that reason. And now people are hating those that hate others. Hate is hate, and it can never be justified. Blame doesn't change people's minds. Anger doesn't change people's minds. Hate doesn't change people's minds. People are who they are, and the ONLY person YOU are responsible for and CAN change is yourself.. and that is what you must question and focus on. Stop projecting your blame, disgust, and hate towards others for how they voted... Can you LIVE and FACE who you are in ALL thoughts, words, and deeds? So the following is some self-forgiveness for us to begin healing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react within negative emotion towards people I define as racist

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react within negative emotion towards people I define as ignorant

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react within negative emotion towards people I define as close minded

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react within negative emotion towards people I define as bigots

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define people as racists, ignorant, close minded, and bigots - defining them within such a small definition of who they really are, and essentially doing unto them what I perceive them doing unto others for which I then define them racist, ignorant, close minded and bigots.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hate those that are racists, close minded, ignorant and bigots as how I define them... existing in such a way that what I see they do unto others is the reason I use to hate them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I am justified to have hate as part of who I am, and others are not if they do not align to what I believe is true, and right

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that to have hate existing within me towards anyone, whether it be towards someone who hates another's skin color, or towards those that are racist, it is within/as the same nature... allowing hate to exist within/as me and projected towards another person

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that some hate towards people is better than another instead of realizing that hate is hate, discrimination is discrimination, and until we rid all of that which separates people, we will never have peace

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame those that I hate as the source, cause, reason for my frustration and anger

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that some people are more valuable than others, seeing differences in people instead of commonalities and that which makes us equal

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame people outside of myself for my reasons of not progressing... of going backwards instead of forward

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define people I see as racist, ignorant, bigoted, and close minded as less valuable than me - to judge them according to who they judge, doing unto them what I dislike they do unto others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that my hate towards people who I think are close minded, ignorant, bigots, and racist is going to stop them from hating people because of their skin color, or religions, or place of birth instead of realizing that two wrongs don't make a right, and that my responsibility is to be an example of unconditional forgiveness... forgiving those that I see exist in hate towards their fellow man as they know not yet what they do. And so instead of perpetuating the hate, exemplify forgiveness, understanding, patience, and the discipline within myself to ensure I live that which I would like to see in this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perpetuate hate and conflict through hating and existing in conflict in relation to those I define as wrong, and not right, and not seeing what is best for everyone

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not understand rather WHY people hate, and WHY people perpetuate hate towards those that hate, as if that is the way to peace. That is like going to war to stop war.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that people are stupid, and to separate myself from those that I define as less than me as per how they perceive and treat others instead of stopping the separation within myself by not seeing those that hate as different then me, only without the proper education and understanding to see solutions to our problems, and not blame each other for them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame people different from me as the reason the world is the way it is instead of realizing that the nature of this world is created through the nature of the collective - each individual making up the whole, and so before I can throw the stone, I must ensure there is NOTHING of this world existing within me that I see is not best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that rather than going into conflict towards those I define as hateful, and ignorant I can go into understanding wherein I investigate WHY people are the way they are, why they form the judgments and opinions they do, and how I can support others to lift the veil on the division we allow within our minds

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that until I remove all hate, ignorance, racism, and bigotry from within/as me, as small or large as it is, this world will never get rid of it, realizing each one must take responsibility for this world, and to stand up and live an example of what it takes to forgive, let go, and create something new - something that is best for all

When and as I see myself reacting within negative emotions towards those I see as ignorant, bigoted, close minded, or racist, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that these negative emotions indicate something within myself, and not those that I define as I do. I commit myself to not project my own frustrations, and anger unto those that I define as close minded, and instead rather consider understanding why people exist the way they do.

When and as I see myself hating those that I see hating others, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that my hate is no more justified than theirs, and that for me to allow hate to exist within me, I too allow hate to exist within another. And so I commit myself to realizing the responsibility I have within stopping hate in this world... by first stopping it within myself.

When and as I see myself blaming others who hate others who are different from them, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that blame does not create solutions, it only perpetuates the problem wherein people blame others for how they experience themselves, or for why the world exists the way it does. I commit myself to taking responsibility for not only myself, but for the world around me as I see, realize, and understand that that is what it will take for this world to change... is for people willing to stop, step up, and live an example of forgiveness, and understanding, and showing another way to be.

I commit myself to stop hate within me

I commit myself to stop close mindedness within me

I commit myself to stop bigotry within me

I commit myself to stop racism within me

I commit myself to stop the division within people within me

I commit myself to take responsibility for all natures in this world that are not best for all, as I see, realize, and understand that if they exist 'out there' in the world, they exist 'in here' as who I am, to some degree or another, as big or as small

I commit myself to humble myself and understand why people think and feel the way they do about others, to show compassion and consideration, to respect and honor EVERYONE whether I agree with them or not as that is what I actually want from others... I want others to respect and honor each other as equal, as they would have done to themselves, as I would have done unto me.

I commit myself to live the principle of love thy neighbor as thy self

I commit myself to be unconditional in my forgiveness ,and not only to those I think are deserving

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