510: I'll Just Do it Tomorrow...

Have you ever told yourself you'll do it tomorrow? That tomorrow is the opportunity to make that change ? Thinking somehow tomorrow things will be different, be better for the moment to change. I saw this point within me today, as I was not completely satisfied with myself today, the thought of, "tomorrow I will do it better/right" as all the things I did not allow myself to do today. Thinking tomorrow is the clean slate, the opportunity to start over. And then I realized. I am still here. Today is still here. Tomorrow will never come, and why not do today what I think I will do tomorrow. If I'm not willing to do it today, what makes me think tomorrow will be any different? And so as a point of proving to myself that I will not waste my day in waiting for tomorrow, I decided to act today. To change today. To move myself today to do that which I wanted to put off for tomorrow. Tomorrow will never arrive, and you will be waiting your whole life . What are you put...