442: Give Yourself Some Credit

The following is the corrective statements from yesterday's blog, A Cool Point

When and as I see myself defining myself as weak, lost, and sad, and to within this, experience a negative energy, in relation to not having a specific purpose/point in my life at the moment, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is a definition in which I’ve given to these words, and how I define this point in my life of not having such a specific point, and that it can be changed in how I define the words and so I commit myself to purify the words within/as me and the words I live through forgiving the polarity/energy charges attached to them, and rather give words a practical reality definition that I can then LIVE, and thus become living words which will support in the expansion and transformation of myself rather than keep me within a point of emotional manipulation where I’m dis-empowered through how I’ve defined the words within a negative energy

When and as I see myself comparing myself to my partner, who has quite a specific point/purpose he is walking as his art, and to define myself as lacking or as something wrong with me because I do not have such a point, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that each process/life is unique yet equally as valuable, and so I commit myself to stop using comparisons to create separation as inequality and rather utilize my partner, and all others in my life, as gifts as the examples they are where I can reflect on who I am in relation to them, to their expression, to what they do and use within my own point of self-development and change

When and as I see myself becoming emotional when speaking to my partner about the fact that I don’t have such a specific point/direction in my life at the moment, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this emotional is based on a self-definition that does not serve me, and comparisons that I use to be inferior and thus emotional manipulation – thus I commit myself to stop sabotaging myself in moments of my life where I allow the emotion to direct me and rather breathe, take a moment, step back and let go of that which no longer serves my self-development and change. I commit myself to stop going into emotion to manipulate myself into thinking how I’ve defined me in the past as weak, sad, and lost is accurate, when I know it’s not

When and as I see myself comparing myself to others and define myself as an inferior human being, living an inferior life because I don’t have such a specific point/direction/purpose that interests me at the moment, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is not constructive for me in any way and only keeps me within the point of thinking this is true and real, when it is not, it is merely emotional manipulation. I commit myself to focusing on what is here in my life, and perfecting myself within that, within the responsibilities I have and the opportunities that develop from that point of expansion. I commit myself to take the opportunities that arise, big or small, with open arms to investigate all things, to get to know all others, to see who I am and what this world is all about and so what is possible and the potential within life

When and as I see myself focusing on only the bad within myself, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is not being self-honest as there are many aspects to me, and they are not all bad. I commit myself to seeing all aspects of me, not just the bad, but the good to, and use constructive within my process of getting to know myself, and changing myself as the journey to life – I commit myself to cherishing who I am and what I have developed and how I have expanded and grown and how I can continue to do so

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