202: Directing Myself within the Part I must Play At Work

This is a continuation of the previous post in regards to the 'fastness character' I must embody while in my work environment and how I saw myself carrying it into a moment that it was no longer required.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be directive principle of myself when/as I see I must embody the 'work character' in which I must 'be here' and move quickly and swiftly and absolutely clear of any thoughts as distractions in my mind as I see/realize/understand the necessity for a smooth and effective work shift that allows me to support myself financially, yet I also see realize and understand that this work character must be able to be turned off when I am no longer in that environment and so I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to be directive in turning on and off the work character as the fastness I must act out to function properly within an equally as the fast work environment

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to, when taking a moment to step out side and sit down and be present, here with myself, in the environment as my physical reality, to carry and allow this fastness character that is practical for my work environment, to still run and not allowing myself to be directive in stopping/turning off the character as I no longer require it in the environment outside of my job

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to exist as the fastness character outside of my work environment, when I take a break outside to be in the sun and sit down, as the physical movements of turning my head, fidgeting and looking around - like I am still in the work environment assessing and considering 'what must be done', not realizing that I am here, in/as a new moment, in/as a new breath that I do not require to 'take on that part' as the fastness character, instead I have a moment to give myself a moment to slow down, stop and breathe and relax my body as giving it physical support and a break from the physical labor I must do in my job

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to not be directive principle of/as the fastness work character when I see I am leaving my job, as I see I continue to exist within this point - physically acting out ways in which I must while I am working

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not stop myself when/as I am outside of the work environment that requires me to act as the part as a 'fastness character' in which I must be moving quickly and swiftly in order to do the job effectively and to within this not allow myself to let go of this character outside of it as it is no longer required outside of the work environment and so in general I forgive myself that i have allowed and accepted myself to exist within a 'fastness character' outside of physical environments that require it of me within consideration of practical reality, and to instead allow it to exist within/as me within/as my mind wherein I am in this constant 'go, go, go, do, do, do' experience where everything is moving super fast and yet the physical reality that is here surrounding is not requiring that role of me - and so here seeing the responsibility I have to assess my physical reality in acting in ways that support me effectively within all types of environments and to be able to 'change' from the perspective of what is required of me in each and every environment and thus able to adapt and change and not limited to one type of being but instead directive in seeing what is necessary from me, within awareness, as what is best from/as me to produce the best results in each environment

When and as I see myself acting out the the role I must play while in my work environment when I am outside of my work environment, as the fastness character, that has no time to stop or slow down, but must move, here, assessing what is necessary in each moment to have an effective work shift that produce financially that which supports me in this world, as fidgeting and moving and not be able to 'sit still', I stop and I breathe and I allow myself to give myself that moment with/as myself as physical support for/as my body, in allowing myself to let go of the fastness character that is no longer required of me when/as I am no longer in that work environment, as I see/realize/understand that if I am directive principle of myself then I should be able to turn off or on this character in one moment as a decision I make, but if I allow myself to carry this character outside of my work environment, without my awareness, then I am just a slave to the experience or role I must play, and instead I commit myself to become self directive and aware of what is required of me within each moment as each environment I walk into, to either 'take on' this fastness character to be able to function effectively in my work environment to produce the best result, or to simply stop in the moment I no longer require it in realizing that I have that ability and so I commit myself to become aware of myself when I am leaving work, to turn off this character in no longer carrying it with me as in my mind, where I exist in the constant state of assessing and considering 'what must be done' and thinking and believe I must 'go, go, go, do, do, do, move, move, move," but instead allow myself to STOP, BREATHE and SLOW DOWN in being here with/as my physical body and no longer in the various parts that one must play and instead  I commit myself to become directive principle of/as myself in assessing what is required of me as the physical movements and considerations that I must make in order to function effectively in each type of physical environment, able to turn of the 'parts I must play' in one moment as the decision I make of who I am in each and every moment and thus no longer allow it to run automatically without the awareness of myself here

Featured Artwork By: Desteni Artists

The Journey to Lifers

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