Day 78 - Reasons for Working Out

Seeing a reaction of self judgments to/towards my body and within this exist within the starting point of "desire to be thin" as the decision to work out

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge my physical body and it's shape/form

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within the starting point of self judgment projected onto my body, desire to 'work out'/exercise within the desire to make this feeling of 'being fat' go away, without considering the reasons for why I am in judgment of my body in the first place, and thus only accepting the self definition of being fat within then working out because of this as a way

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to work out within the desire to "look good" based on a picture/image within my mind that i have accepted as the definition of "looking good", not realizing it has been programmed into me through family, friends, media and society

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define "looking good" as how the physical body looks when one works out

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create my body to be just an image, wherein I have to mold and shape it to be that which I have accepted to be 'acceptable' which has been passed onto me from previous generations and so within this, I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to accept the acceptances of previous generations and what is currently here being flooded through media/entertainment as what defines beauty, without every questioning whether it is actually best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see my physical body as a picture/image instead of realizing it's functioning that I am not even aware of, and yet exists and allows me to be HERE and thus I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define my physical body within my mind as something that is here to define myself according to within finding acceptance within society, instead of standing equal and one with it as what is it - a physical body that functions in completely equality and oneness with all life here, as this physical reality, as it is equal and one with the dust of this earth, as all life is

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define my body as not what the pictures I have been told are beautiful and within this desire to shape and mold my body through exercise to be that which I believe is beauty - instead of realizing true beauty is a reflection of who I am as self expression, only real within awareness as each breath of self honesty

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define self confidence within and as the shape of my body, instead of realizing this is not real.. and my body will change and thus it is not eternal, yet who I am here as life is eternal and thus realize that real self confidant can only exist within and as who I am within/as each breath of self honesty

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the polarity of "fat and thin" and "ugly and beautiful" within myself and within this world and thus play the game where some will win and others will lose, and as long as I am not a loser, I don't dare question the game, because them I'm winning and I'm protected

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept this world of polarity where some are defined as ugly and others as beautiful

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use exercise as a way to validate the self definition within myself of 'needing to look good', instead of supporting my physical body and myself within standing equal to and one with my physical body, here as the breath, in this physical reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within self interest when working out as the starting point of "I need to look good", instead of stopping and clearing my starting point within realizing the desire is coming from fear of being fat and judgments of my body

When and as I see myself judging my physical body for it's shape or form, I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to the realization that my body is not limited to it's picture presentation, that in no way to the "look of my body" carry in substance to the fact that is functions unconditionally for me within this reality and thus I stop abusing myself as my physical body and honor it as the support in which allows me to BE HERE

When and as I see myself making the decision to work out within the starting point of desire to be thin, "look good" and fear of being fat, I stop and I breathe and I realize that this is within separation as I am within my mind attempting to validate a self definition that is not real and thus I breath, self forgive and clear all points of judgments, reactions before I begin my exercise regime

I commit myself to stop all polarities within this world of ugly and beautiful, and fat and thin in realizing I accept and allow it within this world through accepting and allowing it within me and thus I commit myself to stopping all polarities within myself

I commit myself to stop using exercise as a way to validate the experience within my that tells me I have to work out in order to look good - I commit myself to breath and clear my starting point ensuring that "I am here" when making the decision to work out, as a way to be in this physical reality, as my physical body as physical support

I commit myself to stopping all self judgments of my body as being a picture, as this is limiting my body to be just that, which it is not, it is so much more and thus I commit myself to explore who I am as a physical being as the physical body and see what lies behind the limitation I have placed on it

I commit myself to investigating the acceptances and allowances that are within me that have been passed on through generations, to investigate why I accept and allow what i have accepted and allow and to once and for all stop all points within me that are not best for all and only support separation/inequality within this world

I commit myself to daily writing, self forgiveness and self corrective application as the means to change myself into a physical, breathing being that is effective in living change as who I am that is best for all

I commit myself to stand equal to who I am as life as self expression with/as my physical body and to no longer limit myself within the definitions of my mind

I commit myself to stop supporting this worlds enslavement to the beauty constructs - to expose them as they are, that which does not support what is best for all

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