Day 77 - Living Solutions

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that all experiences I have within me, wherein I experience conflict and judgments within myself in relation to my living and my world, is but a point of support to show me what it is I have not directed in my life and thus I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to use myself as a point of support, showing to me that which still requires my attention and direction

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect others/something outside of me to show/tell me how to live, what to do, and how to change myself/correct myself - always looking for a solution for myself/my life, yet never willing to see the solution within the problem and thus realizing the simplicity of being the change

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that what I experience within me that I allow to cause me conflict and turmoil is my creation, and thus I have the ability and power to change it, to find a solution for myself wherein I can direct myself to stop the inner conflict and live stability as who I am

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that what I find to be a problem in my life, exists as the solution as well and thus I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to live the solution and only stay stuck in the problem

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to consider self honesty in moments where I experience conflict in how I am living, wanting to have a change, yet not realizing I must be the change and thus I forgive myself that I never allowed myself to realize that change can only happen within me, as the directive principle

I forgive myself that i never allowed myself to realize the simplicity of real change, in becoming self honest within myself and my world in seeing what is working/supporting me to live most effective, as what is best for me/all, and to remain confined to a problem I perpetuate by not investigating/living the solution

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep myself from realizing how simple solutions are to changing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perpetuate an internal conflict within myself by judging myself for what I do/don't do, and how I live by judging myself for it - instead of realizing the key is within the problem - the solution is within the problem, the answer is within the question and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself instead of seeing the changes I require to make, and then applying them practically in my physical reality - wherein I no longer allow myself to stay stuck in what I am accepting and allowing and allow myself to stop, stand up and LIVE the changes

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feed the conflict within myself with thoughts, feelings and emotions with back chats and judgments about myself for not living/doing something, instead of realizing that this only limits me and keeps me from making the decision to live the changes I see are required and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to instead of seeing the changes I want to make, and then actually, physical LIVING them, to instead trap myself within myself in self sabotage within believing "I don't know how to change"

When and as I see myself conflicting within myself about something within me or within my world, I stop and I breathe and instead I look to find the solution, realizing it's not actually something I have to find, only something I must see/realize within me as the within the problem, lies the solution and thus I commit myself to finding solutions to living changes that are best for all/me

I commit myself to be the change I want to see in this world, for real, actually, as PHYSICAL living, moment to moment, breath by breath, step by step, committing myself to live awareness as who I am to thus be able to support myself to always change in moments I see possible, to no longer accept self limitation and perpetuation of a problem, but to live the solutions I see I can

I commit myself to realizing the simplicity in changing one's living as being a process of making a decision within self honest and then applying them in each moment of each day - to actually DO that which I want to do in order to change myself

I commit myself to stop existing as/in the problem, and to be/as the solution

I commit myself to seeing solutions within the problems I identify within myself and within my reality

I commit myself to support myself within seeing that which I conflict with internally, within myself, within my mind, as a point of seeing what I still require to direct - taking the lead to make the decision and finding solutions for myself, as I realize conflict within and without are unnecessary when I am able to live/be the solution

I commit myself to daily writing, self forgiveness and self corrective statements, as a practical, physical process of self CHANGE, to see/realizing/understand who I am, what I accept and allow, and how I am able to effectively change me, so that I am no longer waiting for direction, but become the directive force of myself as life to create/be/live/express that is best for all life in all ways, equal and one

Featured Artwork by: Jessica Arias

Other Destonian Art


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