Day 58: Defending the Character "I am good to my cats"

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to another when they said, “they are bringing cats in because they want attention", as defensive towards his statement

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I have to defend myself when another said, “they want attention” as the reason they were bringing in mice and so within this taking this statement personal, in beliving my character was being attacked and thus believe I have to ‘protect and defend’ my character

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as a character in which I have to defend

I forgive myself that I have not yet allowed myself to realize that all characters are a false sense of self that does not serve what is best for all and only serves self interest as a way to define myself in separation from others and life here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the character of “I am good to my cats” and thus when another said I wasn’t given them enough attention, attempt to defend my “I am good to my cats” character

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to defend a character within myself as self definition of being ‘good to my cats’, instead of simply living it without defining myself as it within my mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe another was implying that I am not giving my cats enough attention and thus believe they were attacking me and within this allow myself to go into defense character of ‘who I am’ as a person who has cats

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the back chat of “not it’s not, it’s just them being cats” when another said they were bringing in mice as a way to get my attention, instead of seeing the point in self honesty and asking myself could this be true? Or am I giving them enough attention?

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to accept any and all thoughts that arise within my mind when interacting within my reality and not for once question what it is I am attempting to defend instead of realizing in defense I am going into war – within myself and within my world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to protect myself as ego instead of living here equal and one with all as me

When and as I see myself reacting to/towards another as defensiveness - I stop and I breathe and immediately look within self honesty at 'what am I defending?' as within this I realize that to defend is to define and to define is to limit as life is here as I am here as life as the physical as the breath and thus I commit myself to stop all defense of self definitions that is not within the consideration and realization of equality and oneness as what is best for all

When and as I see myself reacting to anothers words - I stop and I breathe and bring myself back into alignment within/as the physical as life as equality and oneness that is the breath - standing equal and one with the person I am speaking to and so no longer allowing separation to exists between me and another as reactions within the mind

When and as I see myself believing I am being 'attacked' by another in which I trigger within myself defense and protection - I stop and I breathe in bringing myself back into/as the realization that all are me - equal and one thus realize there is nothing to protect nor anything to defend, as the belief is created by myself, as myself and so I simply stop

When and as I see myself taking anothers words personal - I stop and I breathe and remove myself form the prison cell of taking things personal - as I realize it is my creation and thus I simply stop and realize to take something 'personal' is to be of ego, as self interest in where I make everything about me and so I commit myself to stop ego through the process of writing, self forgiveness and self corrective statements - to start to see for real who I am within and as this world equal and one

I commit myself to stopping all characters in the play as the game of life I have participated within and as and dare myself to step out of character to become equal and one as life

I commit myself to facing all characters of myself that i have created as a way to 'stay safe' in life with writing, self forgiveness and self corrective application - to ensure that I am not longer playing in an illusion, acting out the ego as the mind and start living here for real with all life that is here


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