Day 56 - Possessed by Irritation

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to seek energy from conflict in my life with another

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to become possessed by energy as experience of irritation and within this extert this onto others as a way to limit them within themselves to be equal in my experience

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become irritated by others and attempt to have power and control over them through exterting my irritation onto them until they are and then feel satisfied with myself and thus reap the reward of energy in a positive surge within myself for the idea that i have gained power and control

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to become irritated by others in my reality based on thoughts of judgments about them and how they live

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be in constant judgment of others in my reality within my mind as thoughts and back chats that I believe are me and then live them physically through manifesting myself as ‘irritation’

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to justify my experience of irration within myself through blaming others for being the cause/source/origin, instead of seeing/realizing/understanding that the experience was something I created within my acceptance of an accumulation of thoughts and back chats that are judgmental in nature

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to allow the possession of irritation to be within/as me without questioning myself in those moments within stopping myself through breathing and seeing what it is I was separating myself from as I realize irritation projected towards another is a projection of myself and thus instead of living out this separation as me as irritation, stop and breathing and see what it is I was irritated at myself about

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, within the possession of irritation, speak within the starting point of spite, as a way to create an equal experience within another as I experienced myself as irritation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as irritation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe irritation is real, instead of realizing it was created within myself through the mind as thoughts and back chats where I then generated energy that possess me as being irritated

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create myself as the manifested consequence of irritation as I did not allow myself to stop myself within the initial thoughts and back chats of judgments of others

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that possession of energy as an emotion or feeling is a manifested consequence, revealing that I, for some time, was allowing participation in the mind of blame and judgments to accumulate, instead of stopping in the moment when the thoughts arise and not accept and allow myself to go into it, as I realize I am then abdicating my power of self responsibility and self direction, and instead giving into energy as who I defined myself as as the experience of energy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as the energy of irritation

When and as I see myself exisiting within the possession of energy as irritation – I stop and I breathe, immediately, as I realize I am then in manifested consequences and so I stop myself from further accepting and allowing myself to be directed by the mind and instead bring myself back the self directive power as breath to remain here and not allow thoughts to accumulate

When and as I see myself participating in thoughts of irritation and blame and judgments towards another – I stop and I breathe, realizing that if I do not – there are manifested consequences, and thus I push myself to slow myself down to be with/as each breath to ensure that I see who I am within myself as the thoughts arise to be able to support myself to stop all participation with the voice in the head as thoughts, as I realize it is within separation

When and as I see myself projection blame and irritation and judgments onto others within my mind – I stop and I breathe and allow myself to bring it back to myself as I have realized all thoughts within myself are about myself, as I have created them and so I take responsibility for the thoughts in my mind and ensure that I am not abdicating my self responsibility to be a being that actually care and no longer allow myself to back chat about others

I commit myself to stopping all thoughts, back chats, emotions and feelings within me as the mind, through the process and Journey to Life, Journey to Nothingness with the tools of writing, self forgiveness and self corrective/commitment statements

I commit myself to stop myself when I see I have allowed myself to become possessed by the energy of irritation and commit myself to investigate the origins of the manifested consequences to support myself to see how I created it so that I am able to stop and forgive it and ensure I do not allow it again

I commit myself to stop my addiction to energy through participating within energy as myself where I attempt to gain more energy through creating conflict in another

I commit myself stop the power games within myself in attempt to have control over another wherein I reward myself with positive energy as an ‘energy boost’

I commit mysel to stop the inner conflict and thus stopping the outer conflicts

I commit myself to writing daily, self forgiving daily and self correction and self commitment daily to ensure that I am always, in each breath, making the decision of who I am that is in fact best for all and to stop the existences of separation within the mind as ego


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