Day 54: Mirror of Self in the thoughts about Another

I have been possessed with fear of what is going on with another. They are spending a lot of time with another being – and they are not the most stable and so fear they are influencing this person to live the same. Then someone said to me that this person has drug problem – this I have not seen – yet allowed this to creep in and exist as fear within me

I realize I have no control over another or what they do – and maybe I am somehow abdicating my self seeing within worrying about ANOTHER and what THEY are doing – instead of myself and what I am doing

RED FLAG: Within walking the Agreement Course of the Desteni I Process - I have been supported within seeing that any time I write "maybe this is" or "perhaps I am" or "I might be", in how I have written it above, "maybe I am somehow abdicating myself..." - is always indicating, yes that is the Point - and to instead of "maybe walking around the point not going directly into it but walking around it maybe to see it...." realize that IS the point - go there, face it and direct it. SO - the point is, I am abdicating and deliberately not willing to face myself within projecting worry and fear onto another for what they are doing and how they are living - instead of taking responsibility within seeing who I am and how I am living.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to focus my energy and attention within my mind as thoughts with what another is doing and what they are accepting and allowing instead of seeing and investigating myself here – in who I am and what I am accepting and allowing

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to distract myself with fear of what another being is doing and who they are with and how they are being influenced – instead of directing it back to myself in seeing who I am and what I am doing and how I am being influenced

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my self responsibility and self intimacy through projecting worry onto another for what they are doing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I spend time thinking and worrying about another and what they are doing and how they are living – that that will create a solution for them, instead of realizing I am looking for a solution for myself, in wanting relief from the fear I experience

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to fear another's life choices and decisions lately

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define another as not living effectively and in ways that will compromise them and their life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I am responsible for another's life decisions

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to feel hopeless in seeing another and their life choices currently – and within that feel like I have no control in how they lives, as I realize I don’t and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I have no control over another's life, instead of realizing that I don’t – and thus not to exert myself and my attention onto them when I am here and I do have control over my life and who I am here and how I live and thus I commit myself to make this my focus

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define another as weak within being influenced by another

I forgive myself that iH ave accepted and allowed myself to project myself onto another through defining them as being easily influenced by another

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to be easily influenced by others

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define others as unable to live their lives effectively and within this not trust them to do what is best for them, as all and thus within this reveal to myself that I do not trust myself to live effectively to live what is best for all, as me, equal and one

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not trust myself to live effectively and in ways that are best for all and fear myself being influenced by others

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to project myself onto another through blaming them for not taking care of themselves and living choices that are best for them and thus within this I forgive myself that iH ave accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my self responsibility to taking care of myself within changing to live the most effective ways and within the consideration of what is best for all

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all thoughts about others, in how I see them and how I see them live their life is always, in all ways ME and thus I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to not push myself to live effectively and within the self honest application of breathing and thus be able to trust myself in each moment to make decisions to live in ways that are best or all – as allowing mysel to be the decision of each moment of who I am as/to be life

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to judge another for how they are living – instead of asking myself in self honesty – where am I judging myself within how I am living?

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define another as a hypocrite for what they say and how they live – instead of directing this back to myself within specifying my living application to ensure that I am always remaining here with/as breath – to be the living word in fact and to not say one thing and live something else and I realize this is me separating myself from me as the living word

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to be dishonest with myself in projecting myself onto another for who they are and how they live, instead of allowing myself to always, in every moment, gift myself with the ability to direct it back to myself – to get to know myself, to see myself in self honesty and self intimacy, within realizing this is what creates self trust

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to exist within fear and worry for another and what they are creating in their life – instead of directing the point back to myself and see within myself and my life what I fear creating within/as my life

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my thoughts about another are actually about them instead of realizing they are a mirror of myself

I commit myself to in always bring back all thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, ideas, opinions back to myself to ensure that I am in fact seeing me and not blaming or projecting myself onto thers and thus I commit myself to do this within writing, self forgiveness and self corrective statements to ensure I am always being self responsible for myself as life

I commit myself to stop all fear and worry that I project onto others and see it is a fear and worry to/towards myself and thus I commit myself to stop all fear and worry to/towards myself and find living solutions that I can implement within/as me and within my living application

I commit myself to stop all projection separate and away from me here – I commit myself to continue to push myself to always bring back all the mind activity back to myself – to see myself to be able to then take self responsibility to change me

I commit myself to investigate who I am, as the Mind, and see how I am able to change myself to living solutions that are best for all as me

I commit myself to gift myself with the reflection I receive from the mirror as others – to see within me what I am not willing to see and only allow me to see in another – so I see me within/as another – realizing all is me, as equal as one, and thus use this support to face myself, to forgive myself and to correct/change myself


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