445: My Sluggish Sunday part 2

Continuing from yesterday's blog, and self-forgiveness... the following is the corrections I can make to realize how to direct myself physically out of an experience, what it means to be productive, and to stop sitting on the fence about things. When and as I see myself giving into an experience of being tired and sluggish on Sundays after my shift at work, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is due to an idea I’ve allowed within myself of where it’s like now the end of my week, and I can just throw in the towel, and physically give into the experience of not wanting to do anything. I commit myself to change this idea within me that influence my experience as becoming sluggish and tired, and I commit myself to start deciding for myself, as a point of self-direction, how I will experience myself after work When and as I see myself not remaining consistent within my days, in how I physically move and apply myself, I stop and I breathe. I see, realiz...