339: Blind Sweetness

After watching a documentary called "Big Sugar," and writing a blog about it - here are personal points for which I applied self forgiveness for:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to purchase and consume sugar in the various forms it comes in from chocolate to breads and meats, without any awareness, consideration or understanding of how it got to the shelf in which I've picked it up from and instead simply see it there for me to purchase and consume and thus abdicate the responsibility I have to the rest of my world wherein fellow human beings must suffer dire conditions simply so that I am able to consume sugar

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that from this awareness of knowing where and how my sugar came to be on the shelf from which I can pick it up and buy it with my money, being that which beings must suffer in conditions that I would never want to be in myself, think that the solution to stopping this or to no longer supporting this is to simply stop buying and consuming sugar

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that money and its defined value within my life and thus the lives of everyone, is the reason many suffer for some to make a profit, such as in the sugar industry

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to be completely and absolutely aware of what exists within this reality, that I am equally a part of and thus supporting within its existence as it currently is, and thus I am equally responsible for ‘what is here’ and how things operate and even how products get into my home

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a world in which I've completely separated myself from the reality that is here for ALL life on Earth, wherein I did not see, realize, or understand the history of sugar within humanity and how it is that it comes to be a product in which I can buy in the super market and so instead, am only aware of its effect and my cravings for sweetness

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that it is my responsibility to know and understand and thus be aware of all that is on earth in terms of how things come to be what they are and where they are and if I am not, yet still buying and purchasing products without knowing where and from what conditions they emerge from, then I am absolutely responsible for any suffering caused for the creation of my desire for something sweet

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that while sugar at the moment is created from a reality that is harsh and unacceptable – it is a manifested consequence of the value system I as all have given within this world and thus the solution is to not simply stop buying the product and think somehow I am absolved from any responsibility but to instead realize I must change the very nature of the system and process from which it is created, wherein money is the motivator and reason and cause for putting some in a dire situation simply to cut costs and maximize profit – where some are enslaved into a situation wherein they have no choice but to take what they can get because at the end of the day, money is what is needed to survive and any means in which one can become self-sustained is sabotaged in order to keep the status quo where some benefit from the suffering of others

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to face the reality of what exists on earth, in all its forms and mechanisms and instead, submitted myself within the position of the happy and sedated consumer that does not question why I want what I want and so instead buy because I feel I must have it and so perpetuate what is here without any awareness of what is actually here and so continue the ignorance that exists for so many about the truth of our reality and how things come to be

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to take responsibility for who I am here, a human being that could have potentially been born into any other life/position on earth and thus could have been the one that is subject to the harshness of the reality we have created and so since I was not, since I am lucky enough to be where I am wherein I have the resources as money necessary and required to sustain my existence – I have a responsibility to ensure that any being could step into the life of any other being and thus still live a dignified life and so

I commit myself to educate myself and thus become aware of what is here as the world around me and understand how things come into my reality such as the existence of sugar and the hands it touches and the environment it moves through and the process it takes to get to the point wherein I can buy it with money, so that I can face the reality of my world as to then place myself within a position of power wherein I can make informed decisions about who I am and what I stand for and thus what I will accept and allow within this world from within the principle of ‘love thy neighbor as thy self’ and so I commit myself to working towards creating a world wherein all people could trade places with any other people and still exist in a dignified life, as that is what I would have done unto me and so I commit myself to no longer accept myself as being ignorant to this consumerism world and instead investigate all things and keep that which is good - I commit myself to become a part of the solution by continuing the efforts of the Equal Life Foundation and the Living Income Guaranteed

Featured Artwork by: Jl Kenney

The Journey to Lifers

Equal Life Foundation

Living Income Guaranteed 

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