269: Manipulation from Taking things Personally

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to take personally another's actions and to then want to make them feel bad as I feel bad as taking it personally

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to attempt to manipulate another in making them feel bad/guilty for their actions instead of realizing the deception within this – making it about me, about my ego and it’s preciousness being hurt and then value that more than another as a human being

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to remove my ego in relation to others and their actions so that I can stand as a stability point for myself and them within seeing and realizing how unsupportive it is to allow my ego free reign to make another and their actions about me as taking things personally

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience guilt as a consequential experience of what I have accepted and allowed of myself as taking it personally another's actions and to attempt to make them feel bad/manipulate them to feel how I feel as the reaction I had to their actions and to within this – only later have a conscience enough to see what I was doing/did as unacceptable as the experience of guilt – yet now I am unable to take it back. I can only learn and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not stand as prevention – preventing me from reacting and causing consequences that I could later regret and which I could simply stop

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define another according to their actions and behaviors I have seen them display – limiting them within this point instead of remaining stable as a point of support in assisting them within their own process as the principle of give as I would like to receive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the consequences I create when I accept and allow myself to exist within reactions and ego as taking things personally instead of realizing the simplistic solution of no longer accepting and allowing myself to react by investigating why I am reacting and bring the point back to myself

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as a victim to another and their words or actions within reacting to it/them as taking it personally

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame another for my experience of feeling bad/taking their actions or words personally within attempting to manipulate them as a way to ‘get back’ and punish them as feeling they deserve it as I’ve blamed them for my own accepted and allowed experience

I forgive myself that I Have not held myself absolutely accountable and responsible for every single point that moves within me as a reaction instead of projecting the responsibility and blame unto another as taking points personally and within this wanting another to experience how I’ve allowed myself to experience myself such as being a victim to them, feeling bad and taking it personally – like they were personally attacking me and so within this – wanting to go to war and ‘getting back at them’ causing my own strike at them in thinking somehow I am getting my power back or projecting some kind of power or authority as if to say, “I will not let you do this to me” instead of realizing they are doing NOTHING to me – it’s what I am accepting and allowing within/as myself as making their actions about me - taking it personally

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to attempt to manipulate as controlling another within specific words and tonality to cause them to feel bad about themselves and what they do within their own life/process in order to get them to feel sorry and like they fucked up and to within this think then I have the power position within the interaction– as seeking my own self righteousness as feeding my ego

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed my ego to exist within the interaction with another where I attempt to play power games and manipulation in order to get what I want as a sense of power and control

I forgive myself that I Have not honored myself or another or our interaction when/as I react as taking personally their words and actions – not utilizing the time effectively to support myself and them as well within a point of stability where we give clear direction and solutions for what we are facing instead of allowing ego to play a part and attempt to enforce it’s rules and regulations

When and as I see myself reacting to another's words or actions as taking it personally - I stop and I breathe and I bring myself into an awareness of prevention as seeing/realizing/understand that if I allow myself to go into this point of taking personally another's words or actions, I know where it will lead me and how it does not support me or another and only cause war which is obviously not best for all and is within a state of self itnerest as I am making their life/process all about me - Instead I stop, I breathe and I bring the reaction back to myself in seeing that they are reflecting points within myself that I am still able to perfect and align to be within the principle of life as equality and oneness and so instead of blaming another for my own reactions, instead gift myself with the ability to see what another is showing me within myself - where in my life am I still accepting and allowing that which I see and am reacting to within another

And so I commit myself to not allow myself to take another's life and process personally as thinking they are personally attacking me and so commit to slowing down when I see such a reaction come up, slow down, breathe, stop even and not allow myself to take this path and instead bring the point back to myself and stop projecting responsibility unto another as the cause/source/origin of why I am reacting

I commit myself to investigate reactions I have towards another in the nature of taking things personally - see where I am still separating myself as making myself a victim and in away playing power games in order to gain a perceived sense of power

I commit myself to stop giving away my power to the mind as reactions and taking things personally within realizing that this cause me to attempt to manipulate others to get back my perceived loss of power

I commit myself to slowing myself down when interacting with others to see when/where/how i react to others words, tonalities and actions as to get to know myself better in seeing what i am still accepting and allowing within myself

I commit myself to take responsibility for myself and not allow myself to blame another for how I experience myself as blaming them for me feeling of being attacked

I commit myself to not allow myself to manipulate others out of the reaction of taking something personally - I stop this in the moment through/as breath as I see the destruction in such an allowance

I commit myself to prevent the consequence of what i accept and allow when/as I react as taking things personally - instead I become self responsible as not allowing myself to participate in such a reaction seeing and realizing the ego's influence in such a moment and the ability I have to stop it in one moment

Featured Artwork By: Rozelle de Lange and Matti Freeman

The Journey to Lifers

Equal Life Foundation

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