268: Submission Position of Self Compromise

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to want to be agreeable with others  as to not to create conflict or resistance/reactions within them in fear of what might happen

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to exist within a submissive role in going with the flow in my interaction with others where I see one ‘as the boss’ and whatever they says goes and do not care to stand as my own authority in fear of how they will react or within believing that this is what I must do – agree and not cause conflict

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to play the part of the good person where I simply support and agree and make sure not to cause any conflict or reactions within another by simply being who I think they want me to be yet it’s within how I believe I should be in order to create an outcome that I want where they see me a certain way where there is no conflict and I can keep that which I have and that which I still fear to lose

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to simply agree/go along with others and what they say and how they see things instead of deciding for myself who I am and what I decide and how I see things – trusting myself more than anyone else without feeling like I must change myself in order to make someone else more comfortable

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to make another comfortable out of fear of conflict and losing that which  I believe I Have as the interactions with others

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to constantly seek approval and acceptance through being a people pleaser and believe I am serving the needs of others when I agree with them and do not challenge any points within them or myself and simply accept myself as this submissive girl in a position that has no mind of her own; no opinions or perspectives or direction

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to give others the authority of myself where I think I must be agreeable and supportive as in being ‘nice’ and non confrontational in thinking this will create the most stability instead of seeing I am only fearing to lose that which I have which is a relationship with others yet what am I compromising for standing in such a position

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to compromise myself within my own self realization and awareness of who I am here, as an individual, walking my own process and existing as my own individual self that has perspective and my own decisions to make, in wanting to be that which I believe others wants me to be or who I ‘should’ be in relation to others which is someone easy to get along with

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to change myself in order to get along with others or for others to feel they can get along with me and so within this avoid creating any conflict or reactions or instability

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look to others to define who I am as in submitting myself to be whoever I think they want me to be

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to give up who I am or who I can become when interacting with others – where I become this character that just wants to be happy and agreeable and not create any conflict or friction in fear of what it will create and what will come of it – fearing of how another with respond to me and me losing that which I think Have gained which is like a point of authority that I can act as in relation to how I think others will see me

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to think I must change myself in order for someone else to like me instead of getting to know myself and developing myself in such a way where this becomes irrelevant as I see/realize/understand that to look toward another to define myself and to change myself according to how I think I should be ‘for them’ is a way to hide from getting to know myself/creating myself in such a way where I can like myself – start investigating and living and acting in ways in which I can stand as/within and thus be my own foundation of support and stability and acceptance even where I no longer need this from another and I no longer care more about how another sees me then how I see myself -  how I see what is within myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think I must change who I am within interactions with others in defining myself as not good enough or not worthy or thinking I need to change as if there is something wrong with me and who I am alone is someone that others could not accept, like or even want to be with/around

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to hide my own self definition and how I see myself within interactions with others where I put this unto them as needing to be responsible for me, and think if I can ‘for them’ than I am becoming better instead of realizing I am attempting to hide from myself and why/where I decided I must change myself in order to have specific interactions with others – realizing that the problem exists within me and how I’ve come to accept, allow and define myself

When and as I see myself within a point of fear of others, of how they will react to me and within wanting to make them comfortable through this character of wanting to please others so they will like me and think they can get along with me - I stop and I breathe and I do not accept this of myself as I see/realize/understand the compromise I am accepting and allowing within me in suggesting I require another to tell me who to be or what to do - realizing that in submitting myself to such a position, I am giving away the power and authority I have as who I am here, self directive, as the breath of life and so

When and as I see myself compromising who I am as the potential that is here as me in not directing myself and expecting another to determine who I will be as acting in ways where I think I will not lose that which I believe I gain from interactions with others - I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to the realization that i must become my own self author of power and control and stop the need to please others, to agree with others within a starting point of fear as I see/realize/understand that it is a patterned personality that I have created within accepting my own self limited self definitions as who I think I am and so I commit myself to stop fearing others not liking or accepting me and instead get to know myself and change myself as developing myself into a being that I can like, accept and live with in all ways, always, realizing that is the point that matters the most - who I am within and as every single moment of my existence and to limit myself within thinking I must be a certain way for others is to compromise getting to know who I really am and who I can actually become and so I commit myself to my process of self perfection as purging the limitations I allow when I exist for others out of fear and need of some sort of validation - I become my own self, as an individual, as an expression of life, equal to and one with all that is here as what is best for all and never give this authority to another and so I commit myself to gift myself with the tools of self change as daily writing, self forgiveness and self corrective statement and application - in actually physically slowing myself down to take back the directive principle of who I am in each moment and seeing what I accept and allow within each moment and to ensure I get myself to a point that I do not accept anything less then what is best for me as that which is best for all life. I commit myself to stand up for/as me, here.

Featured Artwork By: Anna Brix Thomsen

The Journey to Lifers

Equal Life Foundation

Living Income Guaranteed 

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