Day 265: Directing Myself to Prevent Overwhelming-ness

A point I've noticed the last couple days or the last week is this reaction to 'all the points' that are coming up within me/my mind that I see I can investigate or work with in writing and self forgiveness and in that the reaction is 'where do I start' or "there is too many points" and I do not even then begin the process. So what I see is that I can direct myself to actually direct these points coming up within me as I've learned and created to organize myself - within a structure that is effective in working with each point, one at a time . The reaction I am having is unnecessary as I have more than enough time and the ability to organize myself in such a way where I can give attention and direction to each of the points. All it requires is my self willingness to actually direct the points. So instead of seeing all these points coming up within me and saying, "oh yes - I can investigate this point more..." and then not doing it an...