Day 41 "I LOVE Life"
"I LOVE Life"
This is a what displayed on a shirt I use to wear, bright yellow, with the "love" being represented by a big red heart.
That's how I wanted to exists, as "loving life", and everything was wonderful, and beautiful and 'all was well'. This is a delusion I wanted and chose to exist within and as - because the other shit of this world, I did not care to see, or acknowledge, and of course never take responsibility for.
So it was easy to "Love Life" - as I had a job, and a home, and was secure in the fight for survival. But what did this "Loving Life" actually do - blind me from REALITY. I was too busy pretending this world was so grand and great, that I could not see the suffering... I could not see the pain, I could not see the millions asking for help. I could not see what was causing the problems.. I did not want to accept there was a problem, I accepted the mask that said, "I'm ok, Life is good"
So this energy of "Loving Life" actually just blinds us to what is actually going on in this world. Or if we dare to see, we want to pretend it isn't real. We fear to see the Reality of what is Here.
And so, we keep ourselves trapped in the dark, not wanting to shed any light on the matters of this world, the fact that this System is cruel and millions beyond millions of beings, ALL forms of life are being abused. Is this how we "Love Life"?
Self interest is what causes us to say, "Life is good. I'm Loving Life. I love Life." Why can we say that? HOW can we say that? Because we... have money. We have money to buy food. We have money to have a home. We have money to buy a car that we can drive to work where we can have more money to be happy with, where our survival in this world is bought and paid for in full... and we do not have to face the rest of Humanity. Instead we say, "Don't look at that, that is not real, that is an illusion, what matters is your happiness, and your life, and the fact that YOU are NOT the ones suffering in this world." And so we accept the system as is, because we are secure, and we fear to question or dare to change it, because we fear. Life is fear, not love. There is no love in this world. And until ALL life is provided for, until ALL Life is giving equal access to HUMAN RIGHTS.. ya know the things that sustain your life here, until this is done, LOVE does NOT exist in this world, and to say otherwise is to continue being blinded by your own IGNOR(E)ance.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within the belief that "Life is good" when I have not yet stood in the shoes of ALL life that is here, in ALL it's forms.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define life as love - beliving there is actually love in this world, without standing in the shoes of ALL life that is here
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to pretend that Life is good and that I love life, when I have not actually every loved life, because I have done nothing to change myself or this world into a LIVING MANIFESTATION of REAL LOVE - which would be Life Supporting LIfe, as all as one as Equal, where ALL beings are honored as our equals and thus ALL life would be supported to actually LIVE with the basic needs that sustain LIfe here
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist wtihin the dishonesty of saying that I love life, when I have no loved life ever, as I have only every turned my cheek to the life that is here for all, the life that is not supported, and the life that is abused and disregarded
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse the word love through denying the rest of the world that currently suffer and focus only on myself and my happiness, within the fear of being the rest of the world that currently suffers and so I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create the polarity of "love" out of my fear of this world, and fear of not surviving
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to never love life, as I have yet to realize that ALL life HERE that is physical... is ME as LIFE and thus I have not loved myself as life because not All parts of myself are supported within LIFE - to actually live and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to abuse life and allow life to suffer
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define this world as beautiful and lovely - when I have not yet in fact allowed myself to SEE this World for Real, within ALL that is here, how ALL beings are experiencing themselves and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist in delusion within the idea of 'loving life' where I wanted to pretend everything was ok, but this was only considering myself and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to exist within self interest of only caring for and love my life - instead of realizing the WHOLE life that is here that is not currently being loved
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to present myself as a 'loving person' when I have not yet allowed myself to stand in the shoes of ALL life here, facing the reality of this world in how it actually exists and actually changing it to be that which is REAL love - Life for ALL Equally
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist in ignorance through claiming that love exists in this world when I have not taking into consideration anyone else's life or experience on this planet, not yet realizing that I have accepted a money system that does not value life, but values an idea, and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist in an idea of love without LIVING it within this physical world, practically, that shows LOVE actually exists
I forgive myself that i Haven't yet allowed myself to realize how I am able to create and manifest real love in this world - equal for ALL
I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the bliss that is my ignorance when I claim to love life, when I have only existed within the consideration of my life, and not ALL other life here and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowed myself to separate myself from love as life - where I see ALL life here as me and thus consider what is best for all and how it can practically be created in this world within realizing this is the only way LOVE will be real
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blind myself with the energy of love - where only I feel good, and feel safe, and feel secure, and do not consider anyone else or ALL other life here
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use love as a way to blind myself, where I have defined love as a feeling I experience, not realizing that it's through the money in my pocket that i am able to experience the feeling of love I have created to not take responsibility for the rest of the world
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing ymself to define love as a feeling, instead of defining it as a standard that is best for ALL LIFE - where love will then be proven to be real, as all life will be seen and honored as equal to all as one - and thus we will take care of each other, and LOVE each other for REAL
I commit myself to stop the ideas of love that produce a feeling that I can use to not face the reality of this world
I commit myself to create real love in this world through and as myself changing ymself into a being that care for ALL life as myself, and thus ensure that a system is implemented that will support ALL life
I commit myself to stop abusing life in this world, through pretending that love actually exists
I commit myself to stopping the illusions of love in this world that keep people blinded and actually create it in this world, as this is what is best for all as Real love
I commit myself to expose the nature of love that is currently accepted, defined and lived in this world - to be the most evil thing here, as it do not consider all life, it do no consider the current reality, and only exists within self interested feelings of make - believe that does not support ALL life - as we can see clearly - LIFE is being abused, LIFE is suffering.. and until we stop this with an Equal money System - it will not be real, and so I commit myself to redefining Love in this world through my living application of self change and to expose to all how we can change what love is in this world, from the most evil thing to actually living up to the statement, "I love Life" - as we will prove it by creating a system that supports all life to Live.

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