Day 37: Love Accepts Limitation
Today I heard, "When you love someone, you accept them for 'who they are"...
Even if it is not what is best for them? Even when we see it does not support them or anyone else? Even when we see they are limiting themselves within who they are and how they live? To accept this is to accept the limitation within Life and thus accept the world the way it is... this is what we must stop!
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love to be that which accepts another person – regardless of ‘who they are’ and ‘how they are’ without ever asking myself, “is this best for all?”
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept love to be an acceptance of another within shortcomings – where we see another is not living to their full potential or capabilities, yet we do nothing to support them to change – we simply say, “love says to accept them the way that they are”
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept another within the nature in which they display – regardless if it is not best for them/all – believing that love is defined within accepting others no matter who they are or how they are
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that to accept another the way they are is accepting them within limitation and thus defining them within limitation – even when we realize it is not lived within the principle of what is best for them or what is best for all
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow others to exist within limitation through believing love requires me to accept them no matter who/how they are not realizing that within this – exists no change and no support for ourselves or another to change – only an acceptance of the nature of ourselves when we clearly see it is not what is best for all
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love within a relationship with another to be ‘accepthing them for who they are’ – instead of realizing that ‘who they are’ is a mind system of prep=-programmed habits and behaviors and to accept this within another is to accept limitation within life – as life is not preprogrammed or habitual – it is here expressed in every moment, fresh and new giving life to every breath breathed – and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept myself and another as the limited mind personalities as ego where we accept our personalities that we have designed to be ‘our nature’ and thus believe we do not have to change – I do not accept this of myself as I realize change is required, and thus I redefine love to no longer accept this as another
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept the perpetuation of the human nature that is here to be ‘just the way it is’ through not pushing another as myself to see how it is they are living and supporting them to see how they can live within what is best for all/them, realizing the human nature that currently exists is within self interest and survival and thus no life actually exists as life has become separated from itself and thus I commit myself to bring life back together through/as/within myself through stopping the acceptance of myself and others to ‘be who we are’ and actually push myself and others to see change is possible and is required to bring about a new world that is best for all
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept a love that accept people the way that they are – believing that through accepting another the ‘way they are’ I am some how ‘good’ – instead of living within the principle of ‘what is best for all’ within realizing that as this living principle – we would not accept such limitations within ourselves and each other and we would live to push ourselves to become more then we have accepted and allowed of ourselves – pushing each other to change – pushing each other to stop the habits that keep us trapped in our minds – push each other to live out loud and stop the seclusion of separation that keeps us hidden from each other
I forgive myself for not realizing that love based on an acceptance of others for who they are without the consideration of ‘what is best for all ‘ is in fact abuse and to live in such a way is to abuse life in every way as we then accept ourselves and each other the way that we are and in return accept this world the way it is to be the nature of humanity – when all the while change is HERE and is waiting for each one to become responsible – and so I commit myself to becomes self responsible in actually living love for real in this world through not accepting what is here until it is that which is best for ALL LIFE – and so I commit myself to push myself within changing who I am here and within this commit myself to not accept those around me to ‘be who they are’ if it is not what is best for all and thus push them to become the living expression of life that is what is best for all – no more accepting limitation and self definitions , and start moving beyond and expanding ourselves to see what it is we have been missing here – ourselves as life as all as one as equal
I commit myself to redefine love in all ways that is always best for all – through stopping the beliefs within ‘what love is’ that do not support life but only accept what is already manifested in this world
I commit myself to push myself in every moment to change who I am so that I may be an example for others to see – change is possible and we are more than able to be that which life is – best for all and effective within this practical physical reality where we can actually create heaven on earth as all forms come within an agreement to be/live/create that which is best for all through self responsibility

Even if it is not what is best for them? Even when we see it does not support them or anyone else? Even when we see they are limiting themselves within who they are and how they live? To accept this is to accept the limitation within Life and thus accept the world the way it is... this is what we must stop!
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love to be that which accepts another person – regardless of ‘who they are’ and ‘how they are’ without ever asking myself, “is this best for all?”
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept love to be an acceptance of another within shortcomings – where we see another is not living to their full potential or capabilities, yet we do nothing to support them to change – we simply say, “love says to accept them the way that they are”
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept another within the nature in which they display – regardless if it is not best for them/all – believing that love is defined within accepting others no matter who they are or how they are
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that to accept another the way they are is accepting them within limitation and thus defining them within limitation – even when we realize it is not lived within the principle of what is best for them or what is best for all
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow others to exist within limitation through believing love requires me to accept them no matter who/how they are not realizing that within this – exists no change and no support for ourselves or another to change – only an acceptance of the nature of ourselves when we clearly see it is not what is best for all
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define love within a relationship with another to be ‘accepthing them for who they are’ – instead of realizing that ‘who they are’ is a mind system of prep=-programmed habits and behaviors and to accept this within another is to accept limitation within life – as life is not preprogrammed or habitual – it is here expressed in every moment, fresh and new giving life to every breath breathed – and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept myself and another as the limited mind personalities as ego where we accept our personalities that we have designed to be ‘our nature’ and thus believe we do not have to change – I do not accept this of myself as I realize change is required, and thus I redefine love to no longer accept this as another
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept the perpetuation of the human nature that is here to be ‘just the way it is’ through not pushing another as myself to see how it is they are living and supporting them to see how they can live within what is best for all/them, realizing the human nature that currently exists is within self interest and survival and thus no life actually exists as life has become separated from itself and thus I commit myself to bring life back together through/as/within myself through stopping the acceptance of myself and others to ‘be who we are’ and actually push myself and others to see change is possible and is required to bring about a new world that is best for all
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accept a love that accept people the way that they are – believing that through accepting another the ‘way they are’ I am some how ‘good’ – instead of living within the principle of ‘what is best for all’ within realizing that as this living principle – we would not accept such limitations within ourselves and each other and we would live to push ourselves to become more then we have accepted and allowed of ourselves – pushing each other to change – pushing each other to stop the habits that keep us trapped in our minds – push each other to live out loud and stop the seclusion of separation that keeps us hidden from each other
I forgive myself for not realizing that love based on an acceptance of others for who they are without the consideration of ‘what is best for all ‘ is in fact abuse and to live in such a way is to abuse life in every way as we then accept ourselves and each other the way that we are and in return accept this world the way it is to be the nature of humanity – when all the while change is HERE and is waiting for each one to become responsible – and so I commit myself to becomes self responsible in actually living love for real in this world through not accepting what is here until it is that which is best for ALL LIFE – and so I commit myself to push myself within changing who I am here and within this commit myself to not accept those around me to ‘be who they are’ if it is not what is best for all and thus push them to become the living expression of life that is what is best for all – no more accepting limitation and self definitions , and start moving beyond and expanding ourselves to see what it is we have been missing here – ourselves as life as all as one as equal
I commit myself to redefine love in all ways that is always best for all – through stopping the beliefs within ‘what love is’ that do not support life but only accept what is already manifested in this world
I commit myself to push myself in every moment to change who I am so that I may be an example for others to see – change is possible and we are more than able to be that which life is – best for all and effective within this practical physical reality where we can actually create heaven on earth as all forms come within an agreement to be/live/create that which is best for all through self responsibility

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