Day 723: (26 of 30) - Repeat Patterns - The External Search for Self

There are some patterns I've seen throughout my process that have recently emerged again and I wanted to address them here. One of them is my seeking and consumption of information. This is generally in relation to the Desteni Material and other channeled material that I've enjoyed in the past few years. Now, from my perspective, there is nothing wrong with enjoying information/material shared by others, especially if/when it is to support yourself in your process of self-realization. The starting point is the key and one question can reveal the starting point. Why am I consuming the information? The experience of self can also reveal the starting point. Recently I started to feel overwhelmed and confused and lost a bit and with every interview/recording/article I would hear or read, I felt even more uncertain about myself. After talking with my partner about this, he mentioned, "you have been consuming a lot more information lately." Indeed I have been and...