462: Desire for Quick Fixes and Instant Change

Continuing on from the previous blog where I discussed various points in relation to change and creation - the process, and the manifestation. Here and blogs to follow will be on the points I see needing some re-alignments and self-honest perspective to get me back on track in terms of living change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within/as wanting quick fixes

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within/as expecting quick fixes and instantaneous change

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see, and realize the physical space and time in how it works, and what it takes to create changes, and fixes, and to rather instead want things to move fast

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to embrace the pace of breath by breath living as an exquisite opportunity to slow time down, and to work moment by moment and realizing all that can be accomplished, changed, created, and manifested with such time available

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that to want something to happen fast – to expect instant results, and quick fixes, is to exist within the mind – to start within a point of/as the mind which moves quantum speed

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the pace in which humanity currently lives, which is seen through drive-thru food, instant streaming online, constant uploads of pictures and posts on the internet – that to expect such instant results in my process of physical space does not exist in the context of the quantum mind speed, but rather within physical space and time – slowly but surely, moment to moment, breath by breath, 1 plus 1 accumulating change…. Nature is an example. A tree grows and changes yet you don’t see it sprout and move fast… it is a slow but sure process of accumulation – day by day

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see nature as the example in which I can apply within my own life as the process of change, transformation, and growth… to do what I can each day to accumulate the change I would like to see, and the living application I see within and as my potential

When and as I see myself wanting and expecting quick fixes, and instantaneous change, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that such a stance and starting point exists within/as the mind and so in separation of REAL physical space and time in how things actually are created, transformed, and changed…. Slowly but surely, moment to moment, breath by breath. And so I commit myself to ground myself within my physical body, within this physical existence, to walk equal to and one with what I see as nature… the slowly but surely accumulation of getting things done, of transformation, creation, and change. I commit myself to practice breath by breath living and slowing myself down to align with physical space and time and thus maximizing the opportunities I have as the time available breath by breath

I commit myself to see, realize, and understand and thus LIVE what it means to be physically grounded and aligned t physical reality as per the time it takes to change, transformation, and create

I commit myself to BE nature in how I apply and live myself

I commit myself to ground myself out of the mind, and into my physical body, my physical breath, as the real indicator of physical time and so what is possible when we utilize REAL time to the best of our ability

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