362: Accepting the things I cannot Change, and Changing the things I Can

I'm continuing here from the previous blog, and the self correction statements. You can read the start of this series here.

When and as I see myself becoming upset at a thought of how another sees me or defines me, I stop and I breathe and do not allow myself to participate in the thought. I see, realize, and understand that I have no control over how another sees me or perceives me and that the only power of control I have is within who I am in relation to others, and who I am here, within and and as myself. And so I commit myself to stop giving power to others in placing valuing or importance on how I THINK others see/perceive/define me and instead take responsibility and get busy with understanding how I see/define me and so with changing myself, as the power and control I have, of who I am in each moment and to make sure that I am the one that can live with ME in every moment.

When and as I see myself experiencing myself as powerless in relation to how I think others define me or react to me, I stop and I breathe and do not allow myself to participate in the emotion of powerlessness. I see, realize, and understand that within this, I am the one defining me in relation to how I think others are defining me, instead of me valuing myself enough to define who I am based on my living actions in every moment. I commit myself to stop valuing how I think others are defining me and thus use to define myself and instead I commit myself to define who I am within what I accept and allow as the action I take and how I live as the REAL 'who I am' here and so take responsibility for the ME that is in every moment to ensure I am always acting/speaking/expressing in ways that are based on principles and what is best for all

When and as I see myself interpreting another's words about me as a personal attack against me, I stop and I breathe and ground myself in that moment as not accepting and allowing myself to participate in the experience of 'being personally attacked.' I see, realize, and understand that I have the ability to slow myself down and in not taking another's words about me personally, to instead come to an understanding and clarity about who they are and where they are in their own process and so in such a  moment, I commit myself to bring myself back to me here, back to my own process and to see what is moving within me as the responsibility I have within such a moment. Here - not making it 'about them' or 'about me personally', and instead making it about ME as who I am, and what I've accepted and allowed as the participation within my mind and so within the situation as a whole.

When and as I see myself taking another's words about me personally and to from this, go into a 'defense mode' within myself as back chatting about 'I am this' or 'I am not that', I stop and I breathe and see, realize, and understand that I have already participated too much in accepting and allowing the 'taking it personally' reaction to continue. I see, realize, and understand that it's not about making statements in my head about who I am, but to instead LIVE them as my physical expression as who I am in every moment, and so becoming the LIVING words instead of speaking or thinking words of who I am. I commit myself to LIVE the words as who I am instead of thinking and speaking the words of who I am as I see, realize, and understand that physical actions, day to day, moment to moment, clearly show who one is and so I commit myself to stop participation within my mind of defining myself as this or that in relation to what another says and instead practice perfecting myself, my expression, my application of living self-responsible, self-honesty and here for/as all life equally

When and as I see myself becoming overwhelmed with the idea of others having an idea or perception of me, of who I am, that I do not think is accurate, or that paints me in a picture that makes me 'look bad', I stop and I breathe and ground myself in my body, in the moment, and do not allow myself to continue to participate in the emotional energy of being overwhelmed. I see, realize, and understand that within this overwhelming-ness experience - I am indicating to myself I am attempting to control something I have no control over and so here, I see, realize, and understand that getting myself worked up is not going to change anything and that only I can define who I am and although I can do it through how I think/believe others define me, I see, realize, and understand that it is not necessary and it is in fact abdicating the responsibility I have to ME to live for ME and thus face who I am in each moment as the living application which is the real truth of myself, in every single moment. I also see, realize, and understand that a consequence of me accepting and allowing others to have the power/ability to define me is I may not like how they do so, and so instead of reacting to the image and likeness of me through their mind, I commit myself to start valuing me enough to be directive in defining who I am through my living actions - moment to moment, as then I am preventing this point to continue. I commit myself to take back the power I have to define me and who I am and I commit myself to do that according to principles that matter and support me to live to my utmost potential and within the context of what is best for all.

When and as I see myself wanting to attack another as a 'strike back' from an experience of feeling attacked as taking things personally, and so want to make a personal attack back to them, I stop and I breathe and DO NOT allow this of myself as I see, realize, and understand that this is the same pattern that is the justification for war in our world, and so here, I commit myself to stop MY participation in such a pattern that supports war, within and without in this existence, and so no longer accept and allow it within who I am as the existence of my mind, my body, and my living

When and as I see myself resisting becoming and standing humble in relation to not getting caught up in taking things personally, as an attack against me as how I think others see me, and thus want to go to war with them as if 'they' are the problem and deserve to be 'attacked back', I stop and I breathe and let go of this in the moment, to breathe as stabilizing myself HERE within and as my physical body. I see, realize, and understand that to become humble in such a moment is to allow myself to let it go, to understand and so stand in the shoes of another as seeing where they are in their own process, to not take it personally as making it about me as the reason one could be upset with me. And so I commit myself to stop playing the energy game of taking things personally and thinking I must dish out what I think has been deliberately dished to me. I commit myself to instead stabilize myself here within/as breathing and direct myself to become responsible for all that I do and all that I am in realizing that that is specific actions I can take in this type of situation to prevent such reactions within others in the first place.

When and as I see myself defining or making a judgment or having a perception/opinion on others based on one moment or one action or one statement they make, I stop and I breathe and do not allow this of myself as I see, realize, and  understand that I do not like when it's done to me and so this is one way in which I can live the principle of 'do unto another what you would have done unto you,' or 'give as you would receive,' and so here I commit myself to practice patience and understanding with others and their process and that mistakes may happen and that one moment or one incident or one statement does not define who one is, and so I commit myself to live the word understanding as taking into consideration others as I would have others to do me, to understand who I am and that I may make a mistake yet that that does not define who I am as we all have the ability to change, to correct, and to perfect ourselves. And so I commit myself to also live the word patience as allowing one the time to change any points within themselves, also as I would like have done unto me.

Featured Artwork by: Matti Freeman

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