333: It's not Really About Time...

Yesterday, while doing my writings, I found an interesting and cool point of support when looking at a specific back chat within my mind, the idea/statement of "I don't have enough time." This was in relation to incorporating a new point for myself within my weekly schedule and while I have considered adding this new point of responsibility/commitment to my week for awhile now, the one point that has been used as a resistance or justification as to why 'I can't' is because of this time point - thinking and believing I don't have enough time.

While writing this out, what I noticed within the last week was that while I was satisfied with how I was moving through the points during my day and so overall my week, there were many moments wherein I went to entertain myself. Now, even though I was getting through everything else that was priority and in that, satisfied with my application - I noticed that there were many moments where my 'time' was filled in ways in which I could use for this other/new point I have been considering adding to my schedule.

So what does this reveal to me? I would not have existed within the back chat of, "there is not enough time" if I was in fact utilizing my time effectively.

While I am busy entertaining myself for purposes that do not support me - here I mean, there is nothing wrong with 'entertainment' as watching a movie or TV series or playing an online game, yet one's starting point within such an activity reveal whether one is being self honest or not. I was not entertaining myself from the starting point of self honesty - it was based within a starting point of resistance and wanting to escape the various responsibilities I have and so I created this entertainment point as a way to justify my relationship towards my responsibilities as being 'too much' and feeling slightly 'overwhelmed' and so instead of facing and sorting out this relationship towards the responsibilities I have, I instead moved myself through them, yet within the reaction of "I have to do it anyway" and from there, created this entertainment point of 'getting me through' wherein I would take many breaks to soothe myself as 'letting myself rest'. So this indicate that I am/was not clear in even my starting point for how I was moving through my responsibilities and instead was in a way, forcing myself through, pushing myself through to 'just do it already' and so not a clear statement of self - of who I am and what I accept and allow, and thus as a directive decision within myself to move me, instead it was an energy movement of an idea that suggested, "I have no choice, I have to do this, let's just get this over with." And so then created this polarity point as how I was entertaining myself to balance out this point within me.

So that is interesting.. because actually, while writing this out yesterday, I did not see this doing responsibility/entertainment polarity play out - instead I was strictly looking at how I was using time as an excuse to not add something to my schedule, when in fact it will support me within most of the other things I am busy with these days, and how even though I was telling myself within my mind that I did not have enough time, in physical reality - my behavior suggested I in fact do have enough time, that time was not the problem, it was more how I was utilizing my time.

So cool to see this point open up more, in how I created this polarity relationship to my responsibility (negative) and entertainment (positive). I will continue with this point in the blog to follow.

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  1. Thanks for sharing, Kristina

    I also from reading here realized how we tend to always make of everything an experience: when we had nothing to do it was 'oh man, so boring, what is there to do?' lol and then when there's lots of things to do we still then bring up another experience about it, so yep it's to cut through the mind-experience and look at things physically, not through the mind filter in fact.

    Thanks !


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