297: Why Aren't You Reading My Mind?
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be direct in my communication with others and instead expect them to read my mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to express something or communicate something but not speak directly about it – opening up the point – and instead sit and wait for a sign from another whether it’s okay or if we will take that direction or not and when this did not happen – become annoyed and frustrated and further perpetuate already not being physically directive in my reality through sitting with the points in my mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear expressing points that come up within me as communicating about them with another in thinking I should not communicate about it instead of realizing I could have simply brought it up, opened up the discussion and thus have direction for it within physical reality and thus prevent what I accepted and allowed which was to allow myself to sit in this mental state of waiting in fear and desire and giving another the power to direct the situation as how I would have liked it to be directed
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being directive in my communication as bringing up certain things to make decisions about to thus have either a yes or no answer and thus direction as to how things will go and thus no more existing within my mind as imagination of how it 'might' go – instead bring it here, make it real as physical communication and thus not allow myself to feed my mind with ideas or assumptions about it through not being direct in communication
I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to assume others will be ‘on the same page as me’ when it comes to what I would like to do or how to express and communicate instead of realizing that if it’s within me, then it’s my responsibility and so instead of allowing fear of the outcome of a particular point, instead communicate about it to KNOW for real and not sit with it within my mind as the illusion that only feeds the make-believe reality of the mind as ideas or what ifs
I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to sit stagnant within my mind and thus in my day in expecting another to direct the points within me through communication as if they are able to read my mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not live the realization that if I would like to do something or express something or communicate something or to understand something then I must direct it – make a decision, express it, communicate about it, open it up to then have clarity about it – to know for real instead of sitting with questions and assumed answers within my mind in realizing the mind is paranoid and considers only fears or desires or self interest and not actual, practical reality – what is actually real and only through physical participation such as communication in this place, will I know for real how I am able to proceed as the decisions being made through communicating about it
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist being direct in communication and instead want others to bring up points as reading my mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect others to be/exist in ways in which I have not yet allowed myself to live absolutely as who I am and so in this case, directive and straight forward in communication
I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to exist in waiting for something/someone else to give direction to something instead of doing it myself
When and as I see myself wanting to communicate/open up a particular point or discussion with another yet resist and want to go into waiting for the other to do it instead as thinking they will/can read my mind and know how I would like to or what I would like to communicate about, I stop and I breathe and bring myself out of my fear, out of my mind, out of my assumptions of the mind and instead participate in physical reality as becoming directive principle of myself and my world/reality and thus all interaction/communication as I see/realize/understand that if I would like direction or clarity about a particular point, I must be willing to discuss it, to bring it up and come to solutions with others instead of waiting for them to do it and so I commit myself to push myself in moments of when I'm wanting to communicate/open up certain points as being direct and to the point and thus not allowing any room for my mind to formulate ideas or assumptions about a particular situation and so instead having REAL clarity as speaking about ‘what is here’ as the points within me
I commit myself to stop expecting others to read my mind and instead direct myself out of my mind and into physical reality through communicating about what is here as myself and thus giving direction to what’s going on within me
I commit myself to BE THE CHANGE and to DO IT MYSELF in terms of not accepting and allowing myself to wait for another to give direction to particular points that I see are within ME and so I commit myself to direct ME in all moments of communication, to open up discussions to thus see ‘what is here’ and so be able to find solutions/ways to move forward and thus no more allowing myself to exist in the mind as ideas and assumptions which only a stagnant waiting self that is not productive or best for all
Featured Artwork By: Desteni Artists
The Journey to Lifers
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