229: Daily Motivation

A point of doing things/tasks/responsibilities throughout my day for reasons of self interest as self definition

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to measure who I am according to the things I ‘complete’ and get done/through in a day

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to do things in my day simply because it is necessary to be done and without energetic expectations as feedback that feed my self interest

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the more I do in a day the better a being I am and within this think that if I am doing enough things then I am worthy of life and worthy of myself within my own process

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe there are specific things that I must do within a day and if I do not do these things then I am a failure and then become afraid of being this definition I have imposed on myself revealing that my starting point for being/doing/acting/expressing/existing has never been from within/as the starting point of/as equality and oneness as what is best for all – giving to all unconditionally as myself as I would like to receive but from a starting point of fear as self interest

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to move myself throughout my days within rules of what I must do and within this defining some things as right and others as wrong and according to what I do – I am either right or wrong, good or bad – forever separating myself within polarity as conflict and friction and never realizing that I can and am able to bring myself back to myself as stability, as clarity, as breath within/as the starting point of/as equality and oneness as what is best for all and moving myself from/as this space

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define myself according to the polarity definitions I give to the actions I do or don’t do throughout my day and thus only trapping myself in either polarity as a closed cycle that always repeats and time-loops and is never here, walking, breath by breath, consistently stable and self moving – free and clear from the polarity prison of my mind

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to do things throughout my day within/as the starting point of morality as right/wrong instead of what is here to be done – what is necessary to be done and to always be within the starting point of/as self honesty, which is the breath, - breathing here directing myself within doing/acting/living in ways that are best for all – pushing myself beyond the limitation of beliefs and ideas about what I ‘must’ do and instead living principles that I see create and support me to become a being of integrity, honesty and respect in this world as I see to be the only real purpose for Life on Earth

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to put the fear of consequences within me as fear of being wrong and what will happen to be if I am not ‘living right’ as the motivation to move throughout my day – acting then from a starting point of fear instead of what is best for all as the living principle of giving to all as I would like to receive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself according to the number of things I can get through in a day and the more that I do the more that I am – here revealing I am trying to be more than myself instead of standing equal to/with/as myself realizing that to attempt to me ‘more than me’ I am in judgment of me and thus not taking responsibility for me in facing me and forgiving me and correcting me and re-aligning me back to me as the starting point of living principles that are best for all life as me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as a being that is less than in this world and thus desire to be more and use actions throughout my day to define myself instead of realizing the trap I place myself in as I am then dependent upon these actions and my ability to do them, instead of taking into consideration what is practical in physical reality – what is priority within a day, what is best for all in a day in terms of where can I do more – yet not within the starting point of fear of self limited definitions of being right or wrong and instead simply within the starting point of self responsibility as the ability to live and give of myself as I would like to receive

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to feel better about myself when I do things in my day that I think/define/believe are ‘good’ and ‘positive’ and to within this charge myself up as a righteous, good being within self interest – stuck in my feel good experience of doing something of worth in this world instead of realizing the real worth is defined according to who I am within all that I do and to allow myself to exist within self interest as seeking validation and confirmation that I am ‘right’ is deceptive and abuse to all life as I am not living the principle of integrity or self honesty or honor, instead I am trying win and be the best within competition and comparisons in seeing myself as more than others/myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider stopping in each moment before I enter a task/responsibility/action within my life/throughout my day, and asking – is this best for all and who am I in this moment as the decision I am making to do what I do – to always bring myself back to the point of self honesty, becoming self honest about who I am in that moment and if it is not aligned with the starting point of equality and oneness as what is best for all, then to stop and breathe – letting go of any self interest I am seeking through the actions I take that will produce an outcome to make me feel better about myself or to define myself as more than others/myself but instead to exist/live principles that will in always produce an outcome that is Best for All as Equality on Earth

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that if I am doing enough ‘things’ throughout my day then somehow I am magically being responsible for who I am within this existence – as what I accept and allow in this world – instead of realizing that what I am actually doing is trying to distract myself from actually seeing the real me within my desire to make myself seem good and righteous and right according to the things I do/get done

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to exist conditionally wherein I will act within the starting point as expecting certain results or feelings or experiences where I can validate my insecurity and self doubts where I think I am not doing enough in this world instead of becoming self responsible and honest about the fact that I know I have not lived up to my full potential and until I do I will never be satisfied and thus use this point as self support to always get real with myself, to always stop and breathe, to always see who I am in each moment as the cause/source/origin of why/how I am doing what I am doing to ensure I am always acting in ways that are best for all within/as the starting point of considering all life as me and thus giving as I would like to receive – yet not expecting anything in return, but instead giving fully of myself as I have been giving the ability to realize me as life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stroke my ego as self interest in doing many things in a day and then say to myself that I am doing enough when it is not the tasks I do but who I am within them, what I am seeking, searching for, defining myself according to, trying to manipulate to win or control out of my fear of self as simply here without the need for a reward and thus proving that I could do all the self righteous and noble acts in the world yet if I, within myself as my secret mind, exist within this as self interest, then I am no longer life support for me or anyone or all of existence = instead I am abusing myself and all life as me in expecting a reward for giving/living in the form of self definition as my self religion

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to act/live/express in ways where I expect a reward instead of the starting point of unconditionally giving of myself as I would like to receive – standing stable within who I am and giving of myself as I have been giving to myself to ability to be here, breathe, learn, express, grow and get to know myself and our world equally as one

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life should be lived according to morality instead of realizing that real morality is the ability to give more to all   - in considering/living/expressing what is best for all in each moment as self honesty, self expression, integrity - giving all of myself unconditionally as I would like to receive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to act in ways of spite in seeking a special feeling of being 'good' and 'right' as positive energy to make myself feel better for the shame I have experienced in seeing I have not pushed myself through to my highest potential and instead have lived in ways of squandering life and abusing life in not taking into consideration what is here and what is real and what is best for all and asking myself in each moment - who am I and am I existing/living/giving for all as me equally as what is Best for All

When and as I see myself moving/acting/existing within the starting point of self interest in wanting to do things/get things done/complete many tasks in a day - I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to me, back to me here as the physical body that is equal to and one with/as this physical earth as the source from which I come that acts in ways that are best for all as giving all of life the ability to live and express and thus I commit myself to realizing who I am as equal to and one with the flesh that I am as the flesh of this earth as the real creator that gives unconditionally and re-align myself to stand equal to and one with this principle of giving as I would like to receive and without expectations or rewards - simply because I am here and am able with the Life I have and thus I commit myself to become the image and likeness of this earth as unconditional giving, no longer living within self interest in seeking ways to feel better, get more or win and instead humble myself within what life is actually as here, stable, sound - existing within the principle of what is best for all - so I commit myself to live what is best for all as the expression that is truly Life

I commit myself to act throughout my day in doing things I see are necessary to be done in this Life - to Correct this Life we have so easily abused such as self education - getting to know myself as equally responsible for the mess of this world - cleaning up the mess that is me as my mind/physical/beingness through the Process and Journey to Life in establishing myself within Living Principles that purify Life to be worthy to be Here and educating myself about our World in how things function, why things are existing the way they are - understanding/getting to know our social, economic, political structures that determine and play a major role in the lives of all to thus be able to find/give solutions so we no longer create abuse, suffering, inequality, an unnecessary "Life" we have currently accepted and continue to support the Message of Desteni and those walking the Process of Purifying themselves as coming together Equally as One as Responsible Participants to Once and For all Clean up the Mess and establish a New World that reflects the Integrity, Honor and Respect we so clearly see is Required - within and without.... And I commit myself to doing these things simply because I see they are necessary to be done and the only actual, practical way to create any change within myself or within this world and so I commit myself to the daily walk as the daily process of giving up my self interest for the Best for All Interest of Life

Featured Artwork by: Desteni Artists

The Journey to Lifers

Equal Life Foundation

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Take Responsibility for what is HERE as this world, within AND without:
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